Version 8 of PataElmo

Updated 2008-07-15 11:54:46 by pataelmo

My handle is PataElmo. I'm working on making fun and interesting things in TCL. Firstly trying to build a base of good classes in iTCL.

I have some interesting code for handling Excel through the tcom interface. This little proc allows you to control excel close to how you would in VB.

        proc ExcelCmd {App command} {
                set clist [split [regsub -all {\(([^()]+)\)} $command { \1}] .]
                set string $App
                while {[llength $clist]>0} {
                        if {[llength [lindex $clist 0]]>1} {
                                if {[expr {! [catch {expr {int([lindex [lindex $clist 0] 1])}}]}]} {
                                        set string [$string [lindex [lindex $clist 0] 0] [expr [lindex [lindex $clist 0] 1]]]
                                } else {
                                        set string [$string [lindex [lindex $clist 0] 0] [lindex [lindex $clist 0] 1]]
                        } else {
                                set string [$string [lindex $clist 0]]
                        set clist [lreplace $clist 0 0]
                return $string


        set App [::tcom::ref createobject Excel.Application]
        ExcelCmd $App Visible(0)
        ExcelCmd $App Workbooks.Add
        ExcelCmd $App Workbooks.Item(1).Worksheets.Item(2).Delete
        ExcelCmd $App Workbooks.Item(1).Worksheets.Item(2).Delete
        ExcelCmd $App Workbooks.Item(1).Worksheets.Item(1).Name("First")
        ExcelCmd $App Visible(1)

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