Version 0 of Parse Quote

Updated 2012-06-26 02:14:51 by CMcC

The problem often comes up "I have a string with quoted sections, I want to perform (some operation) on it, how do I do it?" A lot of time is spent playing with regexps, which can't really ever work. I decided to try to write a canonical parser for quoted expressions. I hope others will suggest better models, and that in the end we will have an implementation worthy of going into tcllib. CMcC 26Jun2012

There's also a Parse Parenthesis equivalent.

proc quopar {str {q \"}} {
    set depth 0
    set result {}
    set skip 0
    foreach c [split $str ""] {
        if {$c eq "\\"} {
            append run $c
            incr skip
        } elseif {$skip} {
            append run $c
            set skip 0
        if {$c eq $q} {
            if {[info exists run]} {
                lappend result $depth $run
                unset run
            set depth [expr {($depth+1)%2}]
        } else {
            append run $c

    if {$depth > 0} {
        error "quopar dangling '$q' in '$str'"
    if {[info exists run]} {
        lappend result $depth $run
    return $result

if {[info exists argv0] && $argv0 eq [info script]} {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import ::tcltest::*
    verbose {pass fail error}
    set count 0
    foreach {str result} {
        {""} ""
        {"\""} {1 {\\"}}
        {""""} ""
        {"moop"} "1 moop"
        {pebbles "fred wilma" bambam "barney betty"} "0 {pebbles } 1 {fred wilma} 0 { bambam } 1 {barney betty}"
    } {
        test quopar-[incr count] {} -body {
            quopar $str
        } -result $result

    foreach {str} {
    } {
        test quopar-[incr count] {} -body {
            quopar $str
        } -match glob -result * -returnCodes 1