Version 9 of Obtaining the TCL Plugin

Updated 2005-04-28 20:27:03 by LES

The complete source code for the latest revision of the Tcl Plugin is available at Sourceforge: [L1 ] [L2 ]

LES: Sourceforge says: "This Project Has Not Released Any Files"

Lars H: It does have files in CVS, though [L3 ].

LES: True, but source is not useful to everyone. For some reason, many people develop software that is supposed to be free, but can only be compiled with Visual C++, which is not free, to generate Windows binaries. Sort of defeats the purpose, in my opinion.

Binaries of the plugin are distributed with ActiveState's Tcl Dev Kit. Note: Though Tcl Dev Kit is a commercial product, it is a free download for the trial period. The download includes the plug-in installation which itself is completely free forever.

Keiichi Takahashi maintains free binaries and nice installers for Windows and Linux at: [L4 ] .

LES: ... and this site says: "The requested URL /~bitwalk/src/tclplugin30_002.exe was not found on this server." There is a link to some "plugin-20030425" release, but what is there actually dates from 27/03/01.

Please Note: This page has been designed using information from the original Tcl Plugin page. If you are in the know, please feel free to adjust, simplify, clarify or update any or all of the information on this page.

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