if 0 { Newton-Raphson iterative equation solver This technique can be used to solve many equations of the form f(x)=constant There is a math procedure called ::math::calculus::newtonRaphson func deriv initval this is bulky in that you need to provide 2 function names to the procedure, and create 2 procs. Also you need to be able to differentiate the function you are solving. Here is a simpler code which defines the function in a 'mathematical expression' format for example [newtrap pow(x,4) 256] or [newtrap x*x*x*x 256] will solve x*x*x*x=256 Newton Raphson uses an iterative scheme to solve the equation, with a better guess at the solution found from guess = guess - (f(guess)-rhs)/(derivative f(guess)) Newton-Raphson breaks down if a very small derivative is found (eg at x=0 in the x*x*x*x example). This method uses a numerical differentiation proc (which requires multiple evaluations of the function) so is less efficient, but does not require writing a proc to evaluate the derivative and will work for any function that can be numerically differentiated. } proc derivative {f x} { ;# calculate a numerical derivative for f set guess [expr {0.999*$x}] set y1 [expr $f] set guess [expr {1.001*$x}] set y2 [expr $f] return [expr {($y2-$y1)/(0.002*$x)}] } proc newtrap {f rhs} { # convert the lhs of the equation into Newton-Raphson form (lhs-rhs=0) # and convert all occurrences of x to the adjustable variable 'guess' set f [regsub -all "x" "$f-$rhs" "\$guess"] set guess $rhs ;# one possible first guess, not suitable for all equations set dd 9999 ;# dd is the change in solution on each iteration; a large value means it has not converged set nit 0 ;# limit the number of iterations while {$dd>0.00001 || $dd<-0.00001} { set dd [expr double([expr $f])/[derivative $f $guess]] ;# change the guess by this set guess [expr {$guess-$dd}] ;# new guess incr nit if {$nit>50 } break ;# time to end } return $guess } # Examples, solving 3 different equations foreach f {"x*x" "x*x-3*x" "pow(x,3)-2*pow(x,2)-5*x" } { set x 1 while {$x<32} { if {[catch { set as [newtrap $f $x ] puts " solution of $f =$x is at $as" } errmsg]} { puts "at $x $f ($x) $errmsg"} set x [expr {$x+1}] } } # more examples solving some inverse trig functions. foreach f {asin(x) atan(x) acos(x)} { set x 0.02 while {$x<1.000} { if {[catch { set as [newtrap $f $x ] puts " solution of $f =$x is at $as" } errmsg]} { puts "at $x $f ($x) $errmsg"} set x [expr {$x+.02}] } } ------ [Category Mathematics] [Category Physics]