Version 5 of NAP

Updated 2005-01-28 05:47:35 by HLD

What: nap

 Description: Nap is a Tcl binding for managing an n-dimensional array
        processor.  Binaries are available for Irix 64, Linux/386,
        SPARC/SunOS, Windows/386 .
        Currently at version 3.0.4 .
 Updated: 08/2002
 Contact: See web site

See also Harvey Davies.

ES This is an amazingly powerful package that really deserves more attention than it's getting.

HLD 2005-01-28 Release NAP version 4.0.3

NAP (a.k.a. 'Tcl-nap') stands for "N-Dimensional Array Processor". This is based on a loadable extension of Tcl written in C. NAP provides the essence of array-processing languages such as APL, J, IDL and Matlab and allows large quantities of binary data to be processed efficiently.

The NAP home page is This contains a link labelled 'Files for downloading', which can be used to access source files and starpack installers for Windows, Linux (both 386 and IA64) and Solaris.

The main documentation of NAP has been greatly revised and is at

A revised version of my talk on NAP at the 9th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference, 2002 is at

Installation is now much simpler than earlier versions. Starpack binary installers are provided (see above). The Windows installer includes the ezprint utility (providing access to printers), but there is no longer any other dependence on other packages such as BLT and printer. NAP now provides the functionality previously provided by our (now obsolete) separate packages convert_date, inform and land_flag.

There has been some development (and bug fixing) of the C code over the last year or so but this code is now quite stable. However a great deal of work has been done on the NAP library written in Tcl. This includes GUIs for browsing various types of files (e.g. netCDF, HDF) and plotting graphs and images.

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