'''Morse en/decoder''': works both ways ASCII <-> Morse proc morse {s} { set _morse { A ._ Ä�� ._._ B _... C _._. D _.. E . F .._. G __. H .... I .. J .___ K _._ L ._.. M __ N _. O ___ Ö ___. P .__. Q __._ R ._. S ... T _ U .._ Ü ..__ V ..._ W .__ X _.._ Y _.__ Z __.. 0 _____ 1 .____ 2 ..___ 3 ...__ 4 ...._ 5 ..... 6 _.... 7 __... 8 ___.. 9 ____. . ._._._ , __..__ ? ..__.. / _.._. ( _.__. ) _.__._ + ._._. : ___... ; ...___ - _...._ = _..._ ~ ._... # ..._._ $ _..._._ } set res "" if [regexp {^[._ ]+$} $s] { regsub -all { +} $s " B " s foreach i [split $s] { if {$i==""} continue if {$i=="B"} {append res " "; continue} set ix [lsearch $_morse $i] if {$ix>=0} { append res [lindex $_morse [expr {$ix-1}]] } else {append res ?} } } else { foreach i [split [string toupper $s] ""] { if {$i==" "} {append res " "; continue} set ix [lsearch -exact $_morse $i] if {$ix>=0 && $ix%2==0} { append res "[lindex $_morse [expr {$ix+1}]] " } } } set res } ;#RS - slightly uncrufted 2001-12-04 [KBK] (2002-04-09) QST QST QST DE KE9TV/2 KE9TV/2 KE9TV/2 BT added punctuation, plus added procedural signs ~ - Stand by (AS) # - End of work (SK or VA) $ - Break (BK) Procedural signs '''AR''', '''BT''' and '''KN''' are encoded by '''+''', '''=''' and '''(''' respectively, since those are the meaning of those signs within a message body. Ampersand should be sent as the two characters '''ES'''. Still to do: '''AAA''' is a period, but a decimal point is sent as a character '''R'''. VY 73 DE KE9TV/2 SK AR ---- For practizing, see also [A little Morse trainer] ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming]