[nedbrek] - This page will document the development of a simple game, similar to the old games "Moon Lander" and "Hey! Taxi!". [ZB]03.10.2008. It was "Space Taxi" The code will be presented piecemeal, in the history. (Please comment in the history based on what type of changes added - "added $feature", "fixed bug", "added comments") It can also be used to demonstrate simple physics (gravity/acceleration, velocity, and position). It's amazing how much more fun it is when you add left and right thrust! That's 22 (base, no comments, no blanks) to 35 lines of code (with X thrust)! [HE] 2008-10-03: Added the following: * Bugfix second line: set ::gravY 0 => set ::gravX 0 * grouped some initialisation inside a proc * New start with key n * detect hard crash (>=5) or soft land (<5) * refreshtime set in global variable ::afterTime and default to 500 [ZB] Introduced "else"... prevents event-looping after the game has been ended already [HE] 2008-10-12: With [ZB]'s change the game cannot started again with key n. I moved # start the game event loop eventLoop at the end of the code in the proc new. Now the game can started again with key n. [ZB] 2008-10-19 Isn't it nicer with "real lander"? ;) [HE] 2008-10-20 The lander lands outside the canvas ([ZB] It was because the moon dust is very soft, so the lander partially digged in itself while landing ;). Added a groundline. ---- [ZB] 2009-04-05 * major change: separated event loops. First one especially for "sprite" movement, the second one exclusively as "main game loop" (reading controls, gravity, etc.). Such way we've got smooth movement of our "lander" * added sprite for "wreck" (not especially fancy, but looks out like debris, anyway) * added "reverse thrust" (down) * added restart with space bar (more comfortable restart with left thumb, if you've got both hands on the keyboard) * added "quit game " with Escape * some additional sanitization of the code [JAG] 2009-04-05 The code below is currently broken. Look for "groundline" in the code and notice that the canvas line command is incomplete. ---- ====== #!/usr/bin/env tclsh # http://wiki.tcl.tk/21673 package require Tk # tk_setPalette black # canvas item id for our lander/taxi rectangle set ::taxiID 0 # refreshtime set ::afterTime 300 proc new {} { if { [info exists ::mlID] } { after cancel $::mlID } if { [info exists ::elID] } { after cancel $::elID } # message delete if { [info exists ::msgID] } { .c delete $::msgID unset ::msgID } # Create lander if { [info exists ::taxiID] } { .c delete $::taxiID } set ::taxiID [.c create image 10 10 -image $::sprite1 -tags taxi] # Make it flying set ::flying yes # gravity in the X/Y directions (constant) set ::gravX 0 set ::gravY 1 # current lander velocity in the X/Y directions set ::velX 1 set ::velY 1 .c coords taxi 10 10 ;# 20 20 # start the game event loops movementLoop ".c" "taxi" mgl } # Separate event loop especially for smooth "lander" movement proc movementLoop { canv vehicle } { global afterTime flying velX velY mlID # Speed=1 -> 1px/100ms, 2 -> 2px/100ms (=1px/50ms) etc. set baseInterval 100 # $interval not shorter than 10ms! if { abs($velY) >= abs($velX) } { set interval [expr {abs($baseInterval / $velY)}] set xStep [expr {$velX * 1.0 / abs($velY)}] set yStep [expr {($velY >= 0) ? 1 : -1}] } else { set interval [expr {abs($baseInterval / $velX)}] set yStep [expr {$velY * 1.0 / abs($velX)}] set xStep [expr {($velX >= 0) ? 1 : -1}] } if { $interval < 10 } { set coeff [expr {10 / $interval}] set yStep [expr {round($yStep * $coeff)}] set xStep [expr {round($xStep * $coeff)}] set interval 10 } # reached ground? (All ev. further collision-tests should be here) set coords [$canv coords $vehicle] ; # find the x1 y1 x2 y2 coords for the t if {[lindex $coords 1] >= [expr {[$canv cget -height] - 18}]} { set flying no } if { $flying } { $canv move $vehicle $xStep $yStep update idletasks set mlID [after $interval movementLoop $canv $vehicle] } else { return } } # Main Game Loop (has been named eventLoop before) proc mgl {} { # check for the taxi being destroyed if {$::taxiID == 0} { return } set coords [.c coords taxi] ; # find the x1 y1 x2 y2 coords for the taxi # reached ground? if { ! $::flying } { if {($::velY >= 5) || ($::velX >= 5)} { # hard crash set ::msgID [.c create text 200 100 -text crashed -fill red] # Show wreck .c delete $::taxiID set ::taxiID [.c create image [lindex $coords 0] [lindex $coords 1] -im } elseif {$::velY < 5 && $::velX < 5} { # soft land set ::msgID [.c create text 200 100 -text landed -fill green] } } else { incr ::velX $::gravX incr ::velY $::gravY set ::elID [after $::afterTime mgl] } } # callback for thruster proc thrustUp {} { incr ::velY -5 } proc thrustDn {} { incr ::velY 5 } proc thrustLt {} { incr ::velX -5 } proc thrustRt {} { incr ::velX 5 } ### GUI # main frame pack [frame .fVel] -side top # current Y velocity pack [label .fVel.lLX -text "X Velocity:"] -side left pack [label .fVel.lVX -textvariable velX] -side left pack [label .fVel.lVY -textvariable velY] -side right pack [label .fVel.lLY -text "Y Velocity:"] -side right # main playing area pack [canvas .c] -side top # create our "lander" (sprite1) - and "wreck" (sprite2) set ::sprite1 [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhEAAQAMIDAAAAACIiIszMzP///4aGhgAAAEJCQv///yH5BAEAAAcALAAAAAAQABAA AANQeHrR3isGMYQlgpTIqL2ZJnkfRojKZKxsiwaGec6nsXWyTb9ZqNO3ySnzm90OBUHMUSDE jgtDAGjgKAobLBYJvXa5HKakcZwaU8CFFrpWJAAAOw==}] set ::sprite2 [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhEgASAKEBAAAAAP///////////yH5BAEKAAIALAAAAAASABIAAAI9lI+py+0PYwIU ILtA2PQqDQadYGGGxomceaXoO1WiXH2zSs3TXIV1e+NxWjkVTnTIgZZKpPL1wpV61CqlAAA7}] # [HE] The groundline .c create line 0 [expr {[.c cget -height] - 10}] [.c cget -width] [expr {[.c c # allow the player to thrust bind . thrustUp bind . thrustDn bind . thrustLt bind . thrustRt bind . new bind . new bind . exit new ====== ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Games] | [Category Animation] | [Category Example] | [Category Tk] |% !!!!!!