The monthly Tcl Virtual Meetup is held the second Tuesday of each month, the time varies from month-to-month to accomodate various timezones. The next meetup will be held at `[[clock format 1663178400]]` - Wednesday September 14 2022 11am US West, 1pm US Central, 2pm US Eastern, 7pm UK, 8pm EU, 11:30PM India, 2am Thursday Australia West / Singapore / China, 3am Japan, 4am Australia east, 6am New Zealand). The main topic for the meeting is|%TIP #455%|% "Extensions to [vwait]" discussion The meeting is kindly hosted by Flightaware on Zoom, use|%this link%|% to join. If that link doesn't work you can connect to Zoom and use Meeting ID: 890 3016 0330 Passcode: 266833 or dial-in via a local number found via|%this link%|% Notes from previous meetings: * [Sep 2022 Tcl Meetup notes] * [Aug 22 Tcl Meetup notes] * [Jul 22 Tcl Meetup notes] * [Jun 22 Tcl Meetup notes] * [May 22 Tcl Meetup notes] * [Apr 22 Tcl Meetup notes] * [Mar 22 Tcl Meetup notes] * [Feb 22 Tcl Meetup notes] * [Jan 22 Tcl Meetup notes] <> Category Category