[snichols] Below is some code for a misspelling generator. It will misspell a word 5 different ways, but only one letter. This is the opposite of [A Little Spellchecker]. ====== proc cipherVowel {word} { set vowels aeiou set i [expr {round(rand() * ([string length $vowels] - 1))}] set misspelling $word foreach l $vowels { set j [string first $l $word] if {$j > -1} { return [string replace $word $j $j [string index $vowels $i]] } } return $misspelling } proc skip {word} { set i [expr {round(rand() * ([string length $word] -1))}] return [string replace $word $i $i ""] } proc double {word} { set i [expr {round(rand() * ([string length $word] -1))}] return [string replace $word $i $i [string index $word $i][string index $word $i]] } proc reverse {word} { set i [expr {round(rand() * ([string length $word] -1))}] if { $i == [string length $word] -1} { set i [expr [string length $word] -2] } set j [string index $word [expr $i + 1]] set k [string index $word [expr $i]] set misspelling [string replace $word $i $i $j] return [string replace $misspelling [expr $i + 1] [expr $i + 1] $k] } proc skipSpace {word} { set i [string first " " $word] if { $i > -1} { return [string replace $word $i $i ""] } else { return $word } } proc insert {word} { set letters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz set i [expr {round(rand() * ([string length $letters] - 1))}] set j [expr {round(rand() * ([string length $word] - 1))}] return [string replace $word $j $j [string index $word $j][string index $letters $i]] } lappend data "this is a test." lappend data "fall" lappend data "summer" lappend data "spring" lappend data "winter" puts "correct|incorrect" foreach word $data { puts "$word|[cipherVowel $word]" puts "$word|[skip $word]" puts "$word|[reverse $word]" puts "$word|[skipSpace $word]" puts "$word|[insert $word]" } ====== <> Algorithm