.[http://www.iomas.com/doyles/htdocs/mike/index_files/picmikef.gif] Recent posts: * [Muse] * [t-Calc] * [dp_RPC] * [rpc-DB] * [A Mini Networked Database Manager] * [Whadjasay] * [A Mini Database Manager] * [TclCLIPS] ---- Sponsored OSS projects: * [Cryptkit] * [Tclkit Mobile] * [Tequila] * [MOST] * [Vlerq] * more to be announced ---- Home site: http://www.doyles.com/mike * Chairman of [Eolas], CEO of Iomas Research LLC * [MDD] in discussions. * Co-author of [BOOK Interactive Web Applications with Tcl/Tk]. * Creator of the first open-linking hypermedia navigator and imagemap system [http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/4847604/description.html] * Leader of the team that invented the Web plug-in/applet application platform in 1993: [http://www.ckm.ucsf.edu/papers/IEEE_VIS_94/] and [http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/5838906/description.html] * Inventor of Transient-Key Cryptography [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transient-key_cryptography], which provides cryptographic data integrity certification [http://www.proofspace.com], without the need for a third-party certificate authority * Chief Architect for the [Visible Embryo Project] [http://netlab.gmu.edu/visembryo/index.html], a Tcl-based virtual collaboratory for biomedical researchers. * Adjunct Professor, George Mason University, School of Computational Sciences [http://www.scs.gmu.edu/]. * In search of: "The Mystical Power of Knowledge Mastery" [http://www.eolasconsulting.com/papers_km.htm]. * Subject of "The True Believer" [http://www.pbs.org/cringely/pulpit/pulpit20021107.html]. Tcl just doesn't get mentioned often enough in the same breath as Saddam Hussein, $10 billion, environmental havoc, and so on. * Victor, over Microsoft, in a summer 2003 trial that produced the second largest patent infringement verdict in history [http://www.eolas.com/news.html] mailto:mike@doyles.com ---- [Category Person] | [Category Home Page]