[Arjen Markus] (18 december 2003) I am mildly proud to present a first (underdocumented) version of a ''mathematical notebook''. After at least 10000 seconds of hard labour, meticulous programming and self-defying testing, it works! I had to use the most cunning techniques I could muster: * pre-coding design phase (meaning I wrote some scribbles on a piece of paper on the way home) * rapid application development (meaning I was anxious to see it grow, so I ran it as soon as something could show up) * code reuse by multiple copy-paste-edit cycles (I hardly ever start from scratch, but simply copy an existing file into a new directory) * visual testing (meaning I tried to see that it did what I wanted it to do) This was all needed to meet my deadline: the end of the evening. But I did it! Below you will find the first fruits of this herculean achievement. Enjoy! Okay, what is it? Note