Version 14 of Mars Rover Project

Updated 2007-09-25 11:09:44 by ZB

Tcl was used in the Mars Rover Project. Which role did Tcl play?

TP See this post [L1 ] for followup by one of the authors of the Pathfinder software, David Smyth (see the 3rd post in this thread where Dan Kuchler reposts an email from Smyth.) Short story: Tcl was used early on in the project, but was later completely rewritten in C++.

Smyth says: ... The itcl prototype was not intended to be a prototype, it was intended to be candidate flight code and candidate ground control and monitoring software. However, when we started doing careful testing, with the (eventually achieved for LoD compliant code) goal of exhaustive testing, the interpretive nature of Tcl meant we had to not only test all codepaths and values, but also all types and combinations thereof. That was simply too tough.

 the interpretive nature of Tcl meant we had to not only test all codepaths and values, but also all types
 and combinations thereof

ZB I'm not sure: why the reason of that "also..." was "interpretive nature of Tcl"?

Tcl also makes an appearance on the International Space Station

Category Science