Version 59 of List of ttk Themes

Updated 2020-04-12 18:26:40 by bll

Most of the themes can be downloaded here: A collection of Ttk themes

Also see each entry below for download links.

The themes can also be retrieved from here: [L1 ] But I make no guarantees as to fidelity to the original source.

Scalable indicates whether the theme will scale with high resolution displays. The tksvg package will be required for scalable themes. Some of the non-graphical built-in themes may be made to scale with some work.

Graphical? indicates that the theme uses pixmaps, GIFs or PNG files. Graphical themes may not scale properly on high resolution displays. Native themes are supported by the operating system's built-in libraries, and are only available on the relevant platform.

aquanobuilt-innativeMac OS X only; Native Mac OS XTcl
aquabluenoexternalyesclamOddly, there is no blue involved
aquativonoexternalyesGTK aquativoAndrew Wyatt, Pat Thoyts
arcnoexternalyesdefaultGTK arc; Good for Linux; Modern scrollbar look with no up/down arrows. Disabled and read-only colors will not work due to graphics.Sergei Golovan
awdarkyesexternalyes/svgclamLoosely based on adwaita dark. Good for Linux. Helper routines are included to set the colors for text, menu and listbox widgets. awthemes / awthemes at sourceforge zlib/libpngBrad Lanam
awlightyesexternalyes/svgclamLoosely based on adwaita light. Good for Linux. Helper routines are included to set the colors for text, menu and listbox widgets. awthemes / awthemes at sourceforge zlib/libpngBrad Lanam
breezenoexternalyesdefaulta ttk theme similar to the KDE standard theme Breeze at github GPLMaximilian Lika
blacknoexternalnoclamblack ttk themeMats Bengtsson
blackyesexternalsvgclamScalable black theme awthemes at sourceforge Mats Bengtsson
bluenoexternalyesThis one is blue; Button gradient creates an illusion that the buttons are not squarePat Thoyts
blueelegancenoexternalyesGTK2 Blue Elegance Light; No blue; Odd button graphics. Disabled and read-only colors will not work due to graphics.
clearlooksnoexternalyesclamGTK Clearlooks; Good for Linux
equiluxnoexternalyesDark theme. I changed the text color to white in the pic. RedFantom's ttkthemes at github GPLv3
gtk2noexternalyesclamX11 Only; defColor, xtk::theme (1) (2)Jürgen "Arthur" Beyersdorff
itft1noexternalyes(original tile version) GPLJelco Huijser
keramiknoexternalyesaltPat Thoyts
keramik_altnoexternalyesaltPat Thoyts
krocnoexternalyesclamOrangeDavid Zolli
plastiknoexternalyesdefaultDisabled and read-only colors will not work due to graphics.Pat Thoyts
rivet2dnoexternalyesclamX11 Only; defColor, xtk::theme, xtk::theme::rivet (1) (2)Jürgen "Arthur" Beyersdorff
rivet3dnoexternalyesclamX11 Only; defColor, xtk::theme, xtk::theme::rivet (1) (2)Jürgen "Arthur" Beyersdorff
scidbluenoexternalyesThe scid* themes have nice focus colors and a modern scrollbar with no up/down arrows. Scid Themes at Sourceforge TclUwe Klimmek
scidgreennoexternalyesScid Themes at Sourceforge TclUwe Klimmek
scidgreynoexternalyesScid Themes at Sourceforge TclUwe Klimmek
scidmintnoexternalyesScid Themes at Sourceforge TclUwe Klimmek
scidpinknoexternalyesScid Themes at Sourceforge TclUwe Klimmek
scidpurplenoexternalyesScid Themes at Sourceforge TclUwe Klimmek
scidsandnoexternalyesScid Themes at Sourceforge TclUwe Klimmek
smognoexternalyes(original tile version) GPLJelco Huijser
srivnoexternalyesGlassy. Includes several different button colors.Pat Thoyts
srivlgnoexternalUnable to locate
stepnoexternalnodefaultOld, unattractive. In the version I found, the checkbuttons and radiobuttons do not work.
tilegtknoexternalnoX11 Only; out of date, could not get to compile
tileqtnoexternalnoX11 Only; out of date, compiles, does not work
tknoexternalyesclamX11 Only; defColor, xtk::theme (1) (2)Jürgen "Arthur" Beyersdorff
vistanobuilt-innativeWindows only; Native WindowsTcl
waldorfnoexternalyes2016. Disabled and read-only colors will not work due to graphics. waldorf ttk themeFrançois Tonneau
winnativenobuilt-innativeWindows only; Old-Style Windows theme; Native WindowsTcl
winxpbluenoexternalyesclamGTK WinXP BluePat Thoyts
winxpblueyesexternalsvgclamScalable winxpblue theme awthemes at sourceforge Pat Thoyts
xpnativenobuilt-innativeWindows only; Native WindowsTcl


(1) bll 2017-4-12: I personally, cannot get these to work.

(2) 2018-6-12: Source is already lost.


srivvista (windows 7)vista (windows 8)
xpnative (windows XP)xpnative (windows 7)

 Demo Code

package require Tk

set theme [lindex $::argv 0]

## replace this block with your method of loading the theme
#set ap [file join [file dirname [info script]] .. code]
#if { $ap ni $::auto_path } {
#  lappend ::auto_path $ap
#unset ap
#package require themeloader
#themeloader::loadTheme $theme

if { [file exists $theme.tcl] } {
  source $theme.tcl

ttk::style theme use $theme
set tbg [ttk::style lookup TFrame -background]
lassign [winfo rgb . $tbg] bg_r bg_g bg_b
set tbg [format {#%02x%02x%02x} \
  [expr {$bg_r / 256}] \
  [expr {$bg_g / 256}] \
  [expr {$bg_b / 256}]]

set val 55
set valb $theme
set off 0
set on 1

. configure -background $tbg

ttk::notebook .nb
pack .nb -side left -fill both -expand true
ttk::labelframe .lf -text " $theme "
.nb add .lf -text $theme
ttk::frame .junk
.nb add .junk -text [join [lreverse [split $theme {}]] {}]
ttk::frame .bf
ttk::label .lb -text $theme
ttk::button .b -text $theme
pack .lb .b -in .bf -side left -padx 3p
ttk::combobox .combo -values [list aaa bbb ccc] -textvariable valb -width 15
ttk::frame .cbf
ttk::checkbutton .cboff -text off -variable off
ttk::checkbutton .cbon -text on -variable on
pack .cboff .cbon -in .cbf -side left -padx 3p
ttk::separator .sep
ttk::frame .rbf
ttk::radiobutton .rboff -text off -variable on -value 0
ttk::radiobutton .rbon -text on -variable on -value 1
pack .rboff .rbon -in .rbf -side left -padx 3p
ttk::scale .sc -from 0 -to 100 -variable val
ttk::progressbar .pb -mode determinate -length 100 -variable val
ttk::entry .ent -textvariable valb -width 15
ttk::spinbox .sbox -textvariable val -width 5
ttk::scrollbar .sb
ttk::sizegrip  .sg
pack .sb -side right -fill y -expand true
pack .bf .combo .cbf .sep .rbf .sc .pb .ent .sbox \
    -in .lf -side top -anchor w -padx 3p -pady 3p
pack configure .sep -fill x -expand true
pack .sg -in .lf -side right -anchor s