This page is driven mostly by the [|%8.6 manual build]. Note that some commands may be listed with a `****` against them. That is because they are present in multiple categories; they are [ensemble]s (and related) and have partial compilations. **Already bytecoded** === [append] [break] [catch] [concat] [continue] [dict] **** [dict append] [dict for] [dict get] [dict incr] [dict lappend] [dict map] [dict set] [dict update] [dict with] [error] [eval] [expr] [for] [foreach] [global] [if] [incr] [info] **** [info coroutine] [info exists] [info level] [lappend] [lassign] [lindex] [list] [llength] [lmap] [lrange] [lreplace] [lset] [namespace] **** [namespace current] [namespace upvar] [regexp] [return] [self] **** [self object] [set] [string] **** [string compare] [string equal] [string index] [string length] [string match] [subst] [switch] [tcl::mathop] tcl::mathop::[!] tcl::mathop::[!=] tcl::mathop::[%] tcl::mathop::[&] tcl::mathop::[*] tcl::mathop::[**] tcl::mathop::[+] tcl::mathop::[-] tcl::mathop::[/] tcl::mathop::[<] tcl::mathop::[<<] tcl::mathop::[<=] tcl::mathop::[==] tcl::mathop::[>] tcl::mathop::[>=] tcl::mathop::[>>] tcl::mathop::[^] tcl::mathop::[eq] tcl::mathop::[in] tcl::mathop::[ne] tcl::mathop::[ni] tcl::mathop::[|] tcl::mathop::[~] [throw] [try] [unset] [upvar] [variable] [while] === <> [AMG]: lmap? [DKF]: Yes, indeed (and [dict map] too)! See [|%TIP #405] for the details; the code was committed on Oct 18. More to the point, some commands ([info coroutine], [info level], [namespace current] and [self object]) aren't yet BCCed on the trunk. I chose to do those four because they're things that are relatively accessible to the bytecode engine. [AMG]: I'm glad to see [[[info coroutine]]], which is performance-critical to [Wibble]. You may have noticed [SEH]'s contributions to the [Wibble implementation], mostly driven by performance. One thing he did was try to cache [[info coroutine]] in a variable. It seems to me an optimized [[info coroutine]] ought to take less time than reading a variable. <> **Potential candidates for bytecoding** Note that there is no consideration of whether these ''should'' be bytecoded; with many of them, it might well be a very bad idea for other reasons (e.g., costly internal algorithms). === [array] [array anymore] [array donesearch] [array exists] [array get] [array names] [array nextelement] [array set] [array size] [array startsearch] [array unset] [binary] [binary decode] [binary encode] [binary format] [binary scan] [dict] **** [dict create] [dict exists] [dict filter] [dict keys] [dict merge] [dict remove] [dict replace] [dict size] [dict unset] [dict values] [format] [info] **** [info args] [info body] [info class] [info cmdcount] [info commands] [info complete] [info default] [info errorstack] [info frame] [info functions] [info globals] [info locals] [info object] [info patchlevel] [info procs] [info script] [info tclversion] [info vars] [join] [linsert] [lrepeat] [lreverse] [lsearch] [lsort] mathfunc [namespace] **** [namespace children] [namespace code] [namespace delete] [namespace ensemble] [namespace eval] [namespace exists] [namespace export] [namespace forget] [namespace import] [namespace inscope] [namespace origin] [namespace parent] [namespace path] [namespace qualifiers] [namespace tail] [namespace unknown] [namespace which] [next] [regsub] [scan] [self] **** [self call] [self caller] [self class] [self filter] [self method] [self namespace] [self next] [self target] [split] [string] **** [string first] [string is] [string last] [string map] [string range] [string repeat] [string replace] [string reverse] [string tolower] [string totitle] [string toupper] [string trim] [string trimleft] [string trimright] [string wordend] [string wordstart] [tailcall] [tcl::prefix] [tcl::prefix all] [tcl::prefix longest] [tcl::prefix match] [time] [uplevel] [yield] [yieldto] === **Commands that will never be bytecoded** ***Low-level details/internals*** === [array] [array statistics] [dict] **** [dict info] [encoding] **** [encoding system] [memory] [memory active] [memory break_on_malloc] [memory info] [memory init] [memory objs] [memory onexit] [memory tag] [memory trace] [memory trace_on_at_malloc] [memory validate] [string] **** [string bytelength] [unsupported] tcl::unsupported::[assemble] tcl::unsupported::[disassemble] tcl::unsupported::[inject] tcl::unsupported::[representation] === ***OS connectivity, script library*** === [after] after [after cancel] [after idle] [after info] [auto_execok] [auto_import] [auto_load] [auto_mkindex] [auto_path] [auto_qualify] [auto_reset] [bgerror] [cd] [chan] [chan blocked] [chan close] [chan configure] [chan copy] [chan create] [chan eof] [chan event] [chan flush] [chan gets] [chan names] [chan pending] [chan pipe] [chan pop] [chan postevent] [chan push] [chan puts] [chan read] [chan seek] [chan tell] [chan truncate] [clock] [clock add] [clock clicks] [clock format] [clock microseconds] [clock milliseconds] [clock scan] [clock seconds] [close] [dde] [dde eval] [dde execute] [dde poke] [dde request] [dde servername] [dde services] [encoding] [encoding convertfrom] [encoding convertto] [encoding dirs] [encoding names] [eof] [exec] [exit] [fblocked] [fconfigure] [fcopy] [file] [file atime] [file attributes] [file channels] [file copy] [file delete] [file dirname] [file executable] [file exists] [file extension] [file isdirectory] [file isfile] [file join] [file link] [file lstat] [file mkdir] [file mtime] [file nativename] [file normalize] [file owned] [file pathtype] [file readable] [file readlink] [file rename] [file rootname] [file separator] [file size] [file split] [file stat] [file system] [file tail] [file tempfile] [file type] [file volumes] [file writable] [fileevent] [flush] [gets] [glob] [history] [history add] [history change] [history clear] [history event] [history info] [history keep] [history nextid] [history redo] [http] http::cleanup http::code http::config http::data http::error http::formatQuery http::geturl http::meta http::ncode http::register http::reset http::size http::status http::unregister http::wait [info] **** [info hostname] [info library] [info loaded] [info nameofexecutable] [info sharedlibextension] [interp] [interp alias] [interp aliases] [interp bgerror] [interp cancel] [interp create] [interp debug] [interp delete] [interp eval] [interp exists] [interp expose] [interp hide] [interp hidden] [interp invokehidden] [interp issafe] [interp limit] [interp marktrusted] [interp recursionlimit] [interp share] [interp slaves] [interp target] [interp transfer] [load] [msgcat] msgcat::mc msgcat::mcflmset msgcat::mcflset msgcat::mcload msgcat::mclocale msgcat::mcmax msgcat::mcmset msgcat::mcpreferences msgcat::mcset msgcat::mcunknown [open] [package] [package forget] [package ifneeded] [package names] [package prefer] [package present] [package provide] [package require] [package require] [package unknown] [package vcompare] [package versions] [package vsatisfies] [parray] [pid] [pkg::create] [pkg_mkIndex] [platform] [platform::generic] [platform::identify] [platform::patterns] [platform::shell] [platform::shell::generic] [platform::shell::identify] [platform::shell::platform] [puts] [pwd] [read] [registry] [registry broadcast] [registry delete] [registry get] [registry keys] [registry set] [registry type] [registry values] [safe] safe::interpAddToAccessPath safe::interpConfigure safe::interpCreate safe::interpDelete safe::interpFindInAccessPath safe::interpInit safe::setLogCmd [seek] [socket] [source] [tcl_endOfWord] [tcl_findLibrary] [tcl_startOfNextWord] [tcl_startOfPreviousWord] [tcl_wordBreakAfter] [tcl_wordBreakBefore] [tcltest] tcltest::bytestring tcltest::cleanupTests tcltest::configure tcltest::customMatch tcltest::debug tcltest::errorChannel tcltest::errorFile tcltest::interpreter tcltest::limitConstraints tcltest::loadFile tcltest::loadScript tcltest::loadTestedCommands tcltest::makeDirectory tcltest::makeFile tcltest::match tcltest::matchDirectories tcltest::matchFiles tcltest::normalizeMsg tcltest::normalizePath tcltest::outputChannel tcltest::outputFile tcltest::preserveCore tcltest::removeDirectory tcltest::removeFile tcltest::runAllTests tcltest::singleProcess tcltest::skip tcltest::skipDirectories tcltest::skipFiles tcltest::temporaryDirectory tcltest::test tcltest::testConstraint tcltest::testsDirectory tcltest::verbose tcltest::viewFile tcltest::workingDirectory [tell] [tm] tcl::tm::path tcl::tm::roots [trace] [trace add] [trace info] [trace remove] [trace variable] [trace vdelete] [trace vinfo] [unknown] [unload] [update] [vwait] [zlib] [zlib adler32] [zlib compress] [zlib crc32] [zlib decompress] [zlib deflate] [zlib gunzip] [zlib gzip] [zlib inflate] [zlib push] [zlib stream] === ***Command creation and related*** === [apply] [coroutine] [my] [oo::class] [oo::copy] [oo::define] [oo::objdefine] [oo::object] [proc] [rename] === **Not actually commands** These have manpage links, but aren't commands as such. === [Tcl] [argc] [argv] argv0 [env] [errorCode] [errorInfo] filename re_syntax [refchan] [tcl_interactive] [tcl_library] tcl_nonwordchars [tcl_patchLevel] [tcl_pkgPath] [tcl_platform] [tcl_precision] tcl_rcFileName tcl_traceCompile tcl_traceEval [tcl_version] tcl_wordchars [transchan] === <>Internals