Tcl/Tk is a new language for me as is Unix/Linux a new OS. I have or had an EE bent but anything serious in EE is long past. I have worked for IBM and have done programming in 'C' on DOS and OS/2. My primary programming focus since 1987 has been in Semiconductor equipment automation. Interfacing the manufacturing equipment with the factory contorl system, an MES, Manufacturing Execution System. The SEMI SECS [[sic]] standards are the guidelines by which we live and die. For those familiar with this area I am active on the host side of the communications. I am interested in a pure tcl hsms host side application. In my spare time I might attempt to work on that and ask for help from the community. ---- Interests: Motorcycling - Touring. My wife and I do about 15-20k a year. Hot cars. I have a 1997 Mustang SVT convertable #1907 of 3088. I know when the music died. Business e-mail: (this may become stale in a few months) Personal e-mail: ---- [Category home Page]