Before porting Tcl scripts to a [PocketPC] or [PDA] running [Windows/CE], check this list for known problems of the two current ports, and some workarounds. '''8.4a2 port by [Rainer Keuchel]:''' * canvas: arcs and ovals are not shown ([Regular polygons] for a workaround) * canvas: lines of width > 1 are always black, -fill color is ignored * font families only lists initial letter of font names ([font families workaround]) * puts stdout not possible ([puts workaround]) * text: Cursor often jumps to a different position * slow * [exec] often does not work (e.g. pword, iexplore), but works with both [wish] and calc (the CE calculator) * Native file selectors allow only to choose files from ''/My Documents'' and (only one level?) below '''8.4.3 port by [Jeffrey Hobbs]:''' * menus are not shown * scrollbars always move to one end, no intermediate position possible * ''fileevent readable'' on a socket seems to trigger once and only once regardless of whether the socket is actually readable (see [PocketPC socket/fileevent strangeness]) 8.4.4 update ([AKG]): * Scrollbars seem to be working properly. * Menu's are still not showing. * Dialog boxes don't become visible (see the [PocketPC] page). * using "configure -text" on a button causes a GPF ([MPJ])