AKA [JMN] http://cyberclad.com I like programming in [TCL] and [Erlang] - preferably in the one project. I'm not the Julian Noble who does interesting stuff with [Forth] - but one day I hope to be *a* Julian Noble that does interesting stuff with Forth - It seems such a bizarrely mindbending language. I get frustrated by [GUI]s and applications that block while doing some background task, so I'm a big fan of [threads]. So much so that I think I'm sometimes guilty of using them where an [event]-driven, or multi-process structure may have been simpler. [John Ousterhout]'s: 'Why Threads Are A Bad Idea (for most purposes)' didn't sway me ;) I'm rabidly opposed to the [GPL]. I've not yet had the guts or inspiration (or organisation) to contribute any code to the [wiki] - but if/when I do - consider it public domain. [The ghosts of VB haunt this TCLer] [objectwalker] [overtype] ----- '''Mail''' Julian, always http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?AssumeGoodFaith. Don't rush on other wikis to complain about X and Y. Try to see their point of view first. Use your empathy and you'll see that the person who you thought was a devil is a totally decent and honest person. All the best! [RobertAbitbol] ''The very first link on this page leads to a page that displays the address < julian at cyberclad ddot com > very clearly. Why wasn't this message sent directly to the person concerned? For how much longer will this wiki be tarnished by the public discussion of private matters? It was so peaceful and constructive until a few months ago...'' ----- [[ [Category Home Page] | [Category Person] ]]