AKA [JMN] http://cyberclad.com I like programming in [TCL] and [Erlang] - preferably in the one project. I'm not the Julian Noble that does interesting stuff with [Forth] - but one day I hope to be *a* Julian Noble that does interesting stuff with Forth - It seems such a bizarrely mindbending language. I get frustrated by [GUI]s and applications that block while doing some background task, so I'm a big fan of [threads]. So much so that I think I'm sometimes guilty of using them where an [event]-driven, or multi-process structure may have been simpler. [John Ousterhout]'s: 'Why Threads Are A Bad Idea (for most purposes)' didn't sway me ;) I'm rabidly opposed to the [GPL]. I've not yet had the guts or inspiration (or organisation) to contribute any code to the [wiki] - but if/when I do - consider it public domain. [The ghosts of VB haunt this TCLer] [objectwalker] [overtype] ----- The flamebait you have posted on C2 wiki has been erased. This page should be also. From now on please refrain from coming to c2.com to flame one of our wikizens. We are simply not interested in your boring stories; '''you have put us all to sleep'''. Try writing them at: http://BoringStories.com. Maybe you'll find a better audience there. But please do bring along some strong coffee or you'll end up putting everyone to sleep there also. Italian coffee is the strongest; this is what we definitely recommend. Thanks for your understanding. Signed: a c2.com wikizen ----- [[ [Category Home Page] | [Category Person] ]]