[David Easton] ''05 Jan 2005'' ''Jigsaw Puzzler'' is a jigsaw puzzle game. It allows jigsaws to be created, saved, loaded and played. I started writing it over a year ago to learn more about using the [canvas]. The [windows] executable version uses [tile] and so has a native look on Windows. [http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/davidelizabeth/tcl/jigsaw/jigsaw.jpg] [http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/davidelizabeth/tcl/jigsaw/create.gif] I expect to provide some jigsaws to download from the link below soon. It is freely available from: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/davidelizabeth/tcl/jigsaw/index.html [PWQ] ''6 Jan 2005'' , could not find email address for DPE, under linux if you browse and load a file. you get an error when generating the jigsaw. This is because the tk file dialog window still exists. The fix is to ignore this window during statechange. Fore example: proc stateChange { w mode } { global sc if {![info exists sc(init)]} { stateChangeInit } if {[string first {__tk_filedialog} $w] != -1 } {return} set class [winfo class $w] ... [DPE] ''8 Jan 2005'' Thanks [PWQ], I've uploaded a new version (0.8) of jigsaw.kit including this fix and have tested it on Windows XP and HPUX. BTW, email is ''deaston'' at ''airspan'' dot ''com'' [WJG] ''7 Jan 2005'' Just downloaded Jigsaw Puzzler, my four year old really loves it. Nice one! [DPE] ''7 Jan 2005'' Glad you like it - thanks for the feedback. [HZe] ''8 Jan 2005'' That's really cute! I love it. While playing, I had some extensions in mind I would like to share. Perhaps they can easily be added: * add 90° rotation as option to make it more difficult * add selecting a group of pieces to move them all togehter the latter is useful, if you first start to sort some of the pieces by color or so and you want to move all of them together out of the way. It must be perfect to play this on a touchscreen... ---- [[ [Category Games] ]]