Purpose: provide some pointers and references to Java in particular, and its relationship to Tcl. ---- See http://www.java.com/ for the home of Java, an interpreted bytecode OO language whose byte codes are intended to run cross platform. Or, whose byte codes run on the Java Virtual Machine, which is ported to a number of platforms. See [Jacl] and [TclBlend]. ---- [LV] says "So far, in 5+ years of reading and looking at Java, I've only found 1 application that was useful and worked ''out of the box'' - and that is a command line app that generates DOC files for the Palm Pilot!". ---- [RS] quotes from [http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/script-survey/] that Tcl's set out [open file.txt a] is in Java only PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("file.txt",true));" ---- [Tcl and other languages]