I'm Jan Theodore Galkowski, a.k.a. [disneylogic] in the discussions. This is my Tclers' Wiki home page. I have a Web site [http://www.algebraist.com/] and a blog [http://www.algebraist.com/tkblog/] if you are interested. My professional page is http://www.scguild.com/usr/1707I.html. [http://www.algebraist.com/jan.jpg] I'm a contract software and database developer, and also test engineer. I own a small business, '''The Smalltalk Idiom''', which specializes in laboratory workflow software and in inexpensive data warehousing and BI solutions for small businesses. I also do road warrior gigs for bigger clients helping them with databases and with system acceptance testing. More about me can be found on a '''listing''' [http://www.realrates.com/listings/GalkowskiJan.htm] at the great but too little known '''realrates.com'''[http://www.realrates.com/] site. '''The Smalltalk Idiom''' used to specialize in software written in Smalltalk (see http://www.goodstart.com/) but the needs of clients, the times, and the technology argues for faster development processes and models. As a devoted Smalltalk developer and avid LISP programmer with 'lots' of experience in many languages, I've settled on Tcl/Tk as my standard development vehicle. Indeed -- and probably to the great annoyance of Tcl/Tk experts -- my Tcl/Tk style 'looks' like it's Smalltalk. But, then, that's the point of '''The''' '''''Smalltalk''''' '''''Idiom'''''. Background? B.S., Physics, 1974, Providence college. S.M. EE & Computer Science, MIT, 1976, with RA and TA at the Tute's late great Artificial Intelligence Lab. I was at IBM Federal Systems Division in Owego, NY, from 1976 until the IBM division was sold to Loral in 1994. I remained there until 1995 when I set out on my own as a contract developer. I have been doing that since, with a 3-year stint at Cornell University. I'm back on the road again. Recently I've been working laboratory workflow software using '''Pervasive.SQL''' [http://www.pervasive.com/], a relational database, and Tcl/Tk. I've also been doing test engineering for clients, this time for an '''FAA'''[http://www.faa.gov/asd/library.htm] system and its prime contractor. Tcl/Tk plays a big role there, too, particularly in competition with '''MATLAB'''[http://www.mathworks.com/] as a numerical tool. I am also interested in '''Ted Nelson's'''[http://www.xanadu.com.au/ted/] '''ZigZag'''[http://www.xanadu.net/zigzag/] and am pursuing '''''ANON''''' [http://www.algebraist.com/] based on some of Ted's ideas. [http://www.algebraist.com/DolphinExcursions/AnMIT4th.png] ---- [Category Home Page]