JStrack is a freeware hurricane tracking program written entirely with Tcl/Tk. Link: http://www.purl.org/net/jstrack. NOTE: '''JStrack's author has been diagnosed with cancer''', and the JStrack site is offline until he can get his own Internet service again. This may be a while. I said when I first wrote JStrack (even before I announced the idea to a few folks and asked for their opinions) that JStrack would always be free. This has not changed. HOWEVER.... '''Financial considerations at this time''' (bills I have no way of paying, total lack of income, etc.) '''require that I at least give people the chance to send donations, if they so desire.''' I can be reached at j88aggie@yahoo.com (will update info here if/when it changes) for further contact info. Sorry folks, but the next release might be a lot further off than I'd hoped. Here's hoping everyone is using the latest "snapshot" release from the former site.... ---- The [Wayback Machine] contains the following snapshot of JStack, in case anyone needs it: http://web.archive.org/web/20050207140956/http://members.cox.net/jdgweb/JStrack_snapshot_03Sep04.tar.gz It's a 1.6MB download (unpacks to 15MB) though, so go easy on the WBM. ---- Thanks! --jdg Except, uhhh, it's a dead link. No JStrack. If anyone has the latest version, and wouldn't mind making it available, please put the link here. I have, in a storage locker I can't get to, an even more up-to-date version with some rather major updates from last hurricane season (if I remember correctly---combine the "fog" from chemotherapy and the anti-stress medication they've got me on and my memory isn't so great) and...if I haven't lost the locker and everything in it due to financial problems by then, I'll try to dig out the FreeBSD machine and make a new release with the *REAL* latest version..... update: Here is a link for JSTrack I removed all the storm data to make the download smaller(~700k). The current timestamp files will not collect any old storm data, if you would like to retrieve old storm data, you can run "wish initial_timestamps.tcl" in that same directory to reset them to Jims latest settings(Sep 2004 I think). In any case, I hope you are doing well Jim. You are in my prayers. Paul Stroud http://jstrack.carolinacrew.net/JStrack_snapshot_03Sep04.tar.gz ---- Also, anyone interested in how I'm doing in the fight against cancer should look at my atspace page, which, as I type this, I'm working on setting up as a central point for distributing information to friends/family. The link is http://spooky130.atspace.com/. Also check out my myspace page, at http://www.myspace.com/spooky130u. ---- (Note to Wiki admins---please advise if you disapprove of this being on the Wiki...just e-mail me with the info. The lack of a response to this so far leads me to believe that there are no objections, but I'll still keep this here, just in case---I do NOT want to be seen as abusing/mis-using the site.) [Category Application]