Version 1 of Itcl++

Updated 2003-01-16 14:24:56

What: incr Tcl Itcl++

 Description: Itcl++ parses C++ header files and generates a one-to-one mapping
        of C++ classes to itcl classes.  This allows for interactively
        manipulating C++ objects via itcl objects. The current version is 0.95.
        Everything above and including Tcl 7.4 and [incr Tcl] 2.1 should work.
        The package is not really supported.  It does what the authors
        want to use it for.  It has not changed in more than a year.  The
        authors do not guarantee that they will be able to fix any potential
        bugs within a reasonable timeframe.  
 Updated: 10/1998
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Wolfgang Heidrich)

The link above is working. Any alternatives?

Wolfgang Heidrich [ Category Package | ]