if 0 { <> ---- **Introduction** [MiHa] 2015-05-13: This is a demo for a tcl/tk-program with all the essential GUI-elements. <
> It is simple invoice-program with menu, entry-form and output (planned: one printed page). With ideas and code from the following pages: * [m+] * [Ask, and it shall be given # 8] - "grid-layouts" * ... } ---- **Program 1** ======tcl # InvoiceDemo01.tcl - Mike Hase - 2015-05-17 # http://wiki.tcl.tk/29284 set FieldNames {Date Title Name Street City Phone art1Nr art1name art1price} set f 0 frame .f1 foreach field $FieldNames { incr f #set data($f) $f set lb [label .f1.lb$field -text $field] set en [entry .f1.en$field -justify right -textvar data($f) ] grid $lb $en -padx 4 -pady 2 grid $lb -sticky e grid $en -sticky ew } frame .f2 button .f2.b1 -text New -command { bell } button .f2.b2 -text Test1 -command { bell } button .f2.b3 -text Test2 -command { bell } button .f2.b4 -text Show -command { bell } button .f2.b5 -text Print -command { bell } button .f2.b6 -text Exit -command { exit } grid .f2.b1 .f2.b2 .f2.b3 .f2.b4 .f2.b5 .f2.b6 pack .f1 .f2 -side top set data(1) "2015-05-13" ### EOF ### ====== ---- **Output** ======none Invoice-Demo: ... ====== ---- **Remarks** This is ''not-yet'' the Alpha-version, ... ---- '''See also:''' * [GUI Primer] * http://wiki.tcl.tk/41210%|%ClockDemo%|% * http://wiki.tcl.tk/10705%|%Category Printing%|% ** [printing] ** [Printing under Windows] ** [Printing text files under Windows] ** [Printing a canvas under Windows] ** [Printing a text file to a lpr printer] ** [Tcl/Tk Printing Support] ** [TkPrint] <> Example | GUI