To get insight in the binary extensions and the Tcl/Tk packages in general that are in use with Tcl/Tk (and thereby get insight in the consequences of changes in the implementation of Tcl/Tk) we would like to know what extensions or packages people use. So, if you want to contribute, add your favorites to this page and we will try to assemble them into a comprehensive catalogue. Note: the name and possibly the platform will suffice for the moment. Note 2: [stevel] and myself discussed if it would be useful to include Tcl/Tk packages, so not just the compiled ones, in this inventory as well. Therefore there is now a second table for filling in any package. If you are not sure what category the piece of software you use falls in, use the second one (after all: a package may consist of both a scripted component and a binary component and you may not always be aware of it). We are not seeking absolute correctness here. An indication of the platform would be useful though, even if it is a purely Tcl-only package. ---- '''LIST OF BINARY EXTENSIONS''' (Add your information below, alphabetically please) [AM] Note: list by chw very long ;) [AM] As pointed out by [saito], there is another page that lists Tcl/Tk packages and extensions: [ALX] Another well sorted list on github by Danilo Chang (ray2501): Another list is "Batteries Included" in Androwish: %|extension|platform|source|user|notes|tcl 9 ready|% &|[aws-sdk-tcl]|linux, darwin||%github%|%|[neophytosd]|||& &|[blt]|??||"deacon"|||& &|[Cawt]|windows||[HarmOlthof] [PO] [Ralfixx] [APE]|||& &|[ceptcl]|linux||%stwo%|%|[sbron]|Version 0.3||& &|[CFFI Package]|windows, linux||%github%|%|[APN]|||& &|[crimp]|Windows||%chiselapp%|%|[HarmOlthof]|||& &|[Critcl]|windows, linux||[PO] [AK]|not binary itself, just the results||& &|[dbus]|linux||%chiselapp%|%|[sbron]|||& &|[Expect]|linux||[cgm] "deacon" [KJN]|||& &|[fcntl]|linux||[sbron]|||& &|[ffidl]|??||[ALX]|||& &|[fitsTcl]|windows, linux||[PO]|||& &|[fswatch]|linux||%chiselapp%|%|[sbron]|||& &|[Garuda]|windows||%GitHub%|%|[JJM]|||& &|[Img]|windows, linux, darwin ||"dave b" [EB] [PO] [Ralfixx] [RPH] [ALX] [sbron] "deacon" [de] [KJN] [nurdglaw] [CN] [APE]|||& &|[iocpsock]|windows, linux||[Ralfixx]|||& &|[itcl]|windows, linux||[Ralfixx] "deacon" [CN]|||& &|[itk]|windows, linux||[Ralfixx] [CN]|||& &|[kitgen]|??||[KJN]|Also rechan for starkit-lite||& &|[ksuid-tcl]|linux||%github%|%|[neophytosd]|||& &|[NaCl - Networking and Cryptography library (pronounced "salt")]|windows, linux, darwin|||%|[ALX]|||& &|[oratcl]|??||[saito] [ALX]|||& &|[Package iocp]|windows||[EB] [HaO]|||& &|[parse_args]|windows||[EB]|||& &|[pgtclng]|windows||[EB]|||& &|[photoresize]|linux||%GitHub%|%|[sbron]|||& &|[piio]|linux||%chiselapp%|%|[sbron]|||& &|[pikchr]|??||[KJN]|||& &|[rbc]|windows||"dave b" [EB] [ALX] [APE]|||& &|[rl_json]|windows, linux, darwin||%GitHub%|%|[auriocus] [EB] [ALX] [sbron]|||& &|[signal]|linux||%mschwart%|%|[sbron]|||& &|[snappy-tcl]|linux||%github%|%|[neophytosd]|||& &|[sqlite3]|windows, linux, Androwish, darwin||%sourceforge%|%|[EB] [PO] [RZ] [AK] [ALX] [sbron] [de] [APE] idb|||& &|[snack]|windows, linux||[Ralfixx] [APE]|||& &|[Tbcload]|windows, linux||[sbron] "deacon" [ALX]|||& &|[tbert]|linux||%github%|%|[neophytosd]|||& &|[Tcl3D]|windows, linux||[PO]|||& &|[tclcan]|linux|||%|[chw]|||& &|[tclcompiler]|??||[ALX]|||& &|[tclCurl]|linux||[auriocus] [EB]|||& &|[tclcsv]|windows||%magicsplat%|%|[HarmOlthof] [de]|||& &|[tclhpdf]|windows||[EB]|||& &|[tclJBlend]| windows, linux, darwin||[ALX]|v2.1 patched by [chw]||& &|[tclMuPdf]|windows, linux||"dave b" [PO] [de]|||& &|[tclodbc]|windows||[HaO] [de]|obsolete||& &|[tclparser]|??||[ALX]|||& &|[tcl-opencv]|windows, posix||%github%|%|[chw] [APE]|||& &|[TclRAL]|windows, linux, Android||%chiselapp%|%|[luochunlei]|||& &|[tcltls]|windows, linux, darwin, Androwish||[HaO] [ALX] [de] [KJN] idb|See also [tls] below, libressl||& &|[TclUDP]|windows, linux, darwin||[EB] [PO] [Ralfixx] [ALX] [sbron] [APE] idb|||& &|[tcluvc]|linux,darwin,*bsd|||%|[chw]|||& &|[tclvfs]|??||[KJN]|||& &|[tclwmf]|windows|||%|[chw]|||& &|[TclX]|??||[KJN]|||& &|[tcom]|windows||[HaO]|obsolete||& &|[tdbc]|windows, linux, darwin||%sourceforge%|%|[RZ] [ALX] [APE]|Tcl DB Connect||& &|[tdbc::mysql]| windows, linux, darwin ||%sourceforge%|%|[nurdglaw] [APE] [ALX]| Tcl DB Connect ||& &|[tdbc::odbc]|windows, linux, darwin||%sourceforge%|%|[HaO] [RZ] [ALX]| Tcl DB Connect ||& &|[tdbc::postgres]| windows, linux, darwin ||%core%|%|[HarmOlthof] [ALX]| Tcl DB Connect ||& &|[tdbc::sqlite3]|windows, linux, darwin||%core%|%|[HaO] [HarmOlthof] [ALX] [nurdglaw] [APE]| Tcl DB Connect ||& &|[tDOM]|windows, linux, Androwish, dawrin||[APN] [EB] [HaO] [HarmOlthof] [PO] [ALX] [sbron] "deacon" [de] [KJN] [nurdglaw] [APE]|||& &|[thread]|windows, linux||%sourceforge%|%|[EB] [HaO] [RZ] [sbron] [APE]|||& &|[tix]|windows, linux||[Ralfixx] "deacon"|||& &|[tjson]|linux, darwin, windows||%github%|%|[neophytosd]|||& &|[tkdnd]|windows, linux, darwin||%github%|%|[EB] [PO] [Ralfixx] [RZ] [NAB] [CN]|||& &|[tkhtml]|windows, linux||[EB] [sbron]|in particular version 2.0||& &|[tkhtml3]|windows, linux||[de]|||& &|[tko]|windows, linux||%chiselapp%|%|[RZ]|need [pdf4tcl] to print||& &|[tkpath]|windows||[EB] [APE]|||& &|[tksvg]|windows, linux||[HaO] [PO] [KJN]|||& &|[tktable]|windows, linux||[EB] [Ralfixx] "deacon" [de]|||& &|[tktray]|linux||[sbron]|||& &|[tktreectrl]|windows, linux||[APN] [cgm] [EB] [de] [APE]|(Also known as "treetrl"?)||& &|[tls]|windows, linux||[EB] [HarmOlthof] [RPH] [sbron] [nurdglaw]|See also [tcltls] above||& &|[topcua]|windows, posix|||%|[chw]|||& &|[tserialport - Get a list of Serial Ports (native, usb and bluetooth)]|windows, linux, darwin|||%|[ALX] [APE]|||& &|[twapi]|windows||%sourceforge%|%|[APN] [HaO] [EB] [PO] [Ralfixx] [RZ] [de] [KJN] [APE] idb [cgm]|||& &|[twebserver]|linux, darwin||%github%|%|[neophytosd]|||& &|[tzint - tcl package for libzint barcode encoding library (no Tk needed)]|windows, linux, darwin|||%|[ALX] [APE]|||& &|[v4l2]|linux,*bsd|||%|[chw]|||& &|[vlerq]|??||[KJN]|With vqtcl for starkit-lite||& &|[websh]|linux, darwin|||%|[ALX]|||& &|[winsend]|??||[KJN]|||& '''LIST OF TCL/TK PACKAGES''' (Add your information below, alphabetically please) %|extension|platform|source|dependencies|user|notes|tcl 9 ready|% &|[Awthemes]|windows, linux, darwin||%sourceforge%|%|[tksvg]|[NAB] [CN]|||& &|[baltip, balloon tip]|windows, linux, darwin|||[NAB] [CN]|||& &|[BWidget]|windows, linux, darwin|||[APE]|||& &|[dbif]|linux||%chiselapp%|%|[dbus]|[sbron]|||& &|[fsdialog]|linux||%chiselapp%|%||[NAB]|||& &|[Mentry]|windows, linux, darwin|||%||[NAB] [CN]|||& &|[mqtt]|windows, linux||%chiselapp%|%||[sbron]|||& &|[ooxml - ECMA-376 Office Open XML File Formats (spreadsheet)]|windows, linux, darwin|||%||[ALX] [CN]|||& &|[Package Client Toolset], et al|windows, linux, darwin||%archive%|%|[http], [tls],|%GPG%|%|[JJM]|||& &|[pdf4tcl]|windows, linux, darwin||%pdf4tcl%|%||[AM] [RZ] [ALX]|||& &|[Plotchart]|windows||%tklib%|%|--|[AM]|||& &|[Scrollutil]|windows, linux, darwin|||%||[PO] [NAB] [CN]|||& &|[tablelist]|windows, linux, darwin|||%||[PO] [RZ] [ALX] [NAB] [CN]|||& &|[Tasks]|windows||%github%|%|[thread]|[AM]|||& &|[tdbc::jdbc]|windows, linux, darwin||%github%|%||[ALX]|Needs [tclJBlend] above||& &|[Ukaz]|windows, linux|||[PO]|||& &|[Wcb]|windows, linux, darwin|||%||[NAB] [CN]|||& &|[www]|windows, linux||%chiselapp%|%|[thread], [sqlite3], [tls]|[sbron]|||&