Thu Jan 31 13:09:19 MST 2002 - [GPS]: For a project I'm working on I needed to have movable windows. I played around with normal toplevel windows, and transient toplevel windows, but I couldn't get them to please me. I decided that an internal window (frame) would be just as good, so I came up with this code to move internal windows that act like toplevels. [KBK] asks, is this the controversial [MDI] putting in an appearance again? [Ro] replies: [MDI] can be useful. Depends on whatcha doin'. ---- #!/bin/wish8.3 proc window:internal:move:start {win} { upvar _window$win offset set offset(x) [winfo pointerx .] set offset(y) [winfo pointery .] raise $win } proc window:internal:move {win} { upvar _window$win offset set wmX [winfo pointerx .] set wmY [winfo pointery .] set xDiff [expr {$wmX - $offset(x)}] set yDiff [expr {$wmY - $offset(y)}] array set placeInfo [place info $win] set placeX [expr {$placeInfo(-x) + $xDiff}] set placeY [expr {$placeInfo(-y) + $yDiff}] place $win -x $placeX -y $placeY set offset(x) $wmX set offset(y) $wmY } proc makeWindow {win txt} { frame $win -bd 1 -relief raised pack [frame $win.titlebar -bd 1 -relief raised -cursor fleur] -side top -fill x pack [label $win.titlebar.title -text "Movable Window"] -side left pack [button $win.titlebar.done -text Done -padx 1 -pady 0 -bd 1 \ -cursor center_ptr -command "destroy $win"] -side right pack [text $win.t -width 20 -height 3] -side top -fill both -expand 1 $win.t insert end $txt bind $win.titlebar "window:internal:move:start $win" bind $win.titlebar "window:internal:move $win" bind $win.titlebar.title "window:internal:move:start $win" bind $win.titlebar.title "window:internal:move $win" return $win } proc main {argc argv} { pack propagate . 0 pack [label .l -text Desktop] -side top . config -width 600 -height 600 place [makeWindow .win1 "Hello World"] -x 10 -y 40 place [makeWindow .win2 "Hello Person"] -x 300 -y 50 } main $argc $argv ---- This is Really Cool! [Ro] Fun, now you just need to add docking to it [KPV] ---- ..and resizing, iconisation.. But two little changes I made in my copy - change the "Done" text to "x"; make the title bar ''-bg darkblue -fg white'' ... Even if [MDI] is not the best way, Tcl is great for such experiments, and I will do some more (e.g. graphic programming: plug function units together, generate Tcl code from their structure) [RS] ---- Do you know why I adore this code? Because it is tiny. [] Thanks a MILLION [GPS]! ''--[ro]''