Version 4 of In

Updated 2007-04-26 12:53:00 by lvirden

From Tcl 8.5 [L1 ], expr operator for list inclusion test.

 if {$el in $list} ...

is equivalent to, but much nicer than

 if {[lsearch -exact $list $el] >= 0} ...

The negation ("not in") is ni. So 8.5 Tcl really makes us knights who say 'ni'... For users of earlier versions, the following little helper comes in handy:

 proc in {list el} {expr [lsearch -exact $list $el] >= 0}}
 if [in $list $el] ...

- rs 2007-04-26

Let's see - so it would be something like:

 set el Mon
 set list [list Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun]
 if {$el in $list} {
   puts "Valid day abbreviation"
 } else {
   puts "Invalid day abbreviation"

Category Command , well sub-command, as part of expr