[Richard Suchenwirth] 2002-11-28 - Imagine the makers of Tcl had failed to provide the [if] command. All the rest would be there. Doing more [steps towards functional programming], I came upon this interesting problem, and will shortly demonstrate that it can easily be solved in [pure-Tcl]. We still have the canonical truth values 0 and 1 as returned from [expr] with a comparison operator. The idea in the paper I read is to use them as names of very simple functions:} proc 0 {then else} {uplevel 1 $else} proc 1 {then else} {uplevel 1 $then} ;# the famous K combinator if 0 {Glory be to the 11 rules of ''man Tcl'' that this is already a crude though sufficient reimplementation:} set x 42 [expr $x<100] {puts Yes} {puts No} if 0 {The [expr] command is evaluated first, returning 0 or 1 as result of the comparison. This result (0 or 1) is substituted for the first word of this command. The other words (arguments) are not substituted because they're braced, so either 0 or 1 is invoked, and does its simple job. (I used [uplevel] instead of [eval] to keep all side effects in caller's scope). Formally, what happened to the bracketed call is that it went through "normal order" evaluation (i.e., do it now), while the braced commands wait for "applicative order" evaluation (i.e., do when needed, maybe never - the need is expressed through [eval]/[upvar] or similar commands). Though slick at first sight, we actually have to type more. As a second step, we create the ''If'' command that wraps the [expr] invocation:} proc If {cond then else} { [uplevel expr ($cond)!=0] {uplevel 1 $then} {uplevel 1 $else} } If {$x>40} {puts Indeed} {puts "Not at all"} if 0 {This again passes impromptu tests, and adds the feature that any non-zero value counts as ''true'' and returns 1 - if we neglect the other syntactic options of [if], especially the ''elseif'' chaining. However, this is no fundamental problem - consider that if A then B elseif C then D else E can be rewritten as if A then B else {if C then D else E} so the two-way If is about as mighty as the real thing, give or take a few braces and redundant keywords (''then'', ''else''). Luckily we have an [if] in Tcl (and it certainly fares better in byte-code compilation), but on leisurely evenings it's not the microseconds that count (for me at least) - it's rather reading on the most surprising (or fundamental) ideas, and demonstrating how easily our good old Tcl can bring them to life... ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] }