Version 25 of Hypnotoads Todo List

Updated 2007-05-23 15:39:58 by seanw

Well being a creature of enthusiasm, Hypnotoad tends to have a lot of ideas. Here are some that he's working on:

  • Assemble todo list (ongoing)
  • Touch up the /tcl page to be a bit more newcomer friendly: see TCL Elevator Pitch
  • Conference Paper on Taodbi - A general purpose database interface for code
  • Conference Paper on Taourl - A web development system that uses TAO and Taodbi to generate dynamic content
  • Strategic Space Command killer app/fun introduction/fun to play game written in TCL to get the kiddies hooked
  • Design a cross platform scripting/C interface for USB devices
  • Rewrite Tao for Tcllib, as well as for other dbi backends
  • Assembling a bid to host Tcl'08 in Philadelphia
  • Port/Test wikit with Tclhttpd running under 8.4
  • Write new killer app: Gort, a general purpose thinking machine

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