... a long [Google] [URL] ... ... a short Google URL ... ... why this matters to contributors to [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup], editors of [Tcl-URL!], and authors of this [Wiki] ... The technique: ... * http://tinyurl.com/ * http://snurl.com/ 2004/11/02 [sheila] How long does Tcl-URL! and the Tclers' Wiki require URLs to maintain accuracy? (fun tangent, ''Deep Time: How Humanity Communicates Across Millennia'' [http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0380975378/102-6072512-7112142?v=glance]) 2004/11/02 [MAK] Shortened URLs such as those from tinyurl are usually temporary. They're usually used when a person is likely to need to copy and paste the URL (such as from a text-only chat, news or email client), but not useful as links in web pages and wikis. Particularly in this wiki, surrounding a URL in brackets produces a numeric link as in the above, which avoids the aesthetic problems of long URLs in wiki pages. ---- [Category Internet]