Purpose: to collect tips, suggestions, questions, and examples where developers have written tcl/tk code that ''wraps'' around an existing GUI window. In particular, I'm interested in hearing people talk about doing this under the X Window System. Has anyone an example, for instance, of embedding perhaps an xterm inside a tcl/tk frame? Why? Well, perhaps, for example, to have an application to which one could easily add buttons for generating key sequences or command strings, etc. ---- [[Larry, if no one else helps, and I don't otherwise make time for this, e-mail CL. I think I know what you're after.]] Thanks. A developer here is wanting to use something like this and then to set transient wm hints via tk, to get certain behavior characteristics to take place. ---- See BLT's 'container' command. From the man page... ''The container widget lets you embed an X11 window from a foreign application into your Tk application. The foreign window is reparented inside of the widget. You can then place and arrange the container just as you would any Tk widget.'' - [Marty Backe] -- 24 Nov 2004 ---- See the page about the TkXext extension at http://wiki.tcl.tk/2116 It's a compiled Tcl/Tk extension. I think it only works on X11 on Unix/Linux. But you can embed non-Tcl/Tk windows inside a Tk frame with it. I used it in a project on Slackware 7.2 Linux with Tcl/Tk 8.4 and it worked well. ---- [LV] Has anyone used the [frame] -container option to do this sort of thing? ---- [Googie] Pretty easy example is to embed mplayer into Tk [frame] or [toplevel] window. Mplayer has -wid option, which orders mplayer to embed in X11 window with given ident. We can resolve ident of our [toplevel] or [frame] by [wm]. ---- [Rildo Pragana] - For a multimedia window, you may even crop and pan its shown media, with Tk'k place geometry manager, see [Crop multimedia with tk's place]. ---- [Category GUI]