Short answer: A page belongs to a category if and only if it contains a link to the main page of that category. Hence a "category link" goes the opposite direction of normal links: to list all pages in a category, you need to list those pages which ''reference'' the category page. This can be done by clicking on the category page title or on the '''References''' link at the bottom of the category page (the line below the '''edit this page''' link). Some category pages also contain lists of important pages in those categories, but these lists are usually not exhaustive. Click on the page title to get the complete list of member pages. Links that add a page to a category are usually put at the bottom of that page, but the mechanism which finds all references to a category page does not care about where the link is. Hence this page will show up as belonging to all the categories below, even though the '''Category Tcler's Wiki''' is the only one which makes sense. ---- The following is a list of categories (not automatically updated, so there could be some missing) with short descriptions: * [Category Category] - the meta category - covers the list of all categories. * [Category 3D Graphics] - used on pages relating to 3D graphical display of information * [Category Acronym] - used on pages that describe an acronym. * [Category Actions] - pages that talk about the concept of ''actions'' * [Category Advanced Programming Fundamentals] * [Category Advocacy] - pages dealing with tcl vs other languages * [Category AI] - pages relating to [Artificial Intelligence] * [Category Ajax] * [Category Algorithm] - used on pages that describe either the general idea behind an algorithm or an implementation of the algorithm * [Category Animation] - pages that describe techniques and tools for performing animation * [Category Application] - used on pages that describe a stand alone application or group of applications. * [Category Argument Processing] - pages that deal with tools and techniques for parsing arguments to a command or proc * [Category Barcode] - pages discussing barcode related processing * [Category Binary Data] - pages discussing dealing with data rather than printable strings. * [Category Biology] - pages discussing Tcl use within the biological community * [Category BLT] - pages discussing programming using the [BLT] extension * [Category Book] - used on pages that describe specific literature. * [Category Broken Links] - used in connection with the [Broken Link Report] * [Category Business] - various pages describing business related applications and libraries. * [Category Bwise] - pages related to the Bwise environment. * [Category Channel] * [Category Characters] - used on pages describing internal or external manipulation of characters, fonts, glyphs, code-points, etc. * [Category Chat - Wiki pages related to Internet [3]chat programs. * [Category Chemistry] - extensions, concepts, algorithms, etc. dealing with problems in the field of chemistry * [Category CMS] - content management system related pages * [Category Command] - used on pages describing particular Tcl extension commands * [Category Community] - used for pages describing/promoting community spirit * [Category Company] - used on pages describing companies with Tcl related products * [Category Compression] - pages dealing with the reduction of files/strings/etc. * [Category Concept] - basic C.S. and mathematical concepts, and how to implement them in Tcl * [Category Control Structure] - implementation of various tcl related control structures * [Category Core] - discussion of the Tcl core * [Category Critcl] - discussion of the Tcl runtime compile extension [critcl] * [Category Cryptography] - used on pages describing algorithms, software, etc. relating to encryption/decryption * [Category Data Structure] - used on pages describing implementation/etc. of existing or new data structures * [Category Database] - used on pages describing database issues. * [Category Date and Time] - used on pages discussing topics of date and time calculations, calendaring, etc. * [Category Debugging] - used on pages describing helpers/strategies for debugging * [Category Deployment] - used on pages that relate to how to get your application into a destination environment * [Category Design] - used on pages that relate to application design * [Category Desktop] - used on pages that relate to applications that run on, or provide support to, [GUI] desktops, regardless of platform * [Category Dev. Tools] - used on pages that relate to development tools for Tcl. * [Category Development] - Programming, software development and software engineering. * [Category Device Control] - used on pages that relate to interacting with hardware. * [Category Dialog] - used on pages that relate to [dialog] windows. * [Category Discussion] - pages where some topic is being discussed that doesn't fit into the other categories * [Category Distribution] - discuss methods, tools, etc. for getting tcl applications and tcl itself out to appropriate locations * [Category Documentation] - used on pages describing documentation issues. * [Category Editor utility] - pages relating to editors and code to augment editors * [Category Education] - pages provide examples of Tcl used in education * [Category Embedded] - Pages discussing issues relating to devices with tcl embedded in them. * [Category Engineering] - Mechanical / Electrical engineering etc. * [Category Essay] - lengthy writings on relatively narrow topics * [Category Event Loop] - Event loop tutorials and usage examples * [Category Example] - Page provides example of using a particular technique or command * [Category Expect] - Topics relating to the Expect package * [Category File] - processing of files * [Category Foreign Interfaces] - used on pages about interfaces from other programming languages * [Category Function] * [Category Functional Programming] - relating to the style of programming * [Category Games] - Applications and design issues relating to things hopefully fun to play * [Category Geography] - Geography, Maps, Navigation * [Category Glossary] - Page that defines a particular word or term * [Category Graphics] - used on pages relating to graphical display of information * [Category Groupware] - software designed to aid info sharing and collaboration * [Category GUI] - used on pages relating to graphical user interface related topics, applications, libraries, etc * [Category Handwriting Recognition] - used on pages related to handwriting recognition in Tcl/Tk * [Category Home Page] - used on pages used by an individual to describe their personal likes, dislikes, projects, etc * [Category Human Language] - pages that discuss use of tcl to process text of various languages * [Category Humor] - attempts to be humorous * [Category Image Processing] - pages for discussion,tools, etc. for manipulating files or in memory structures that represent images * [Category Internals] - used on pages describing how Tcl works (e.g. bytecode compiler). Useful for maintainers and TIP authors * [Category Internet] - used on pages describing Tcl interactions with the Internet in all its forms * [Category Interprocess Communication] - process to process techniques, commands, discussions * [Category Introspection] - discussions of Tcl's introspective functionality * [Category Itcl] - Wiki pages relating to [incr tcl] * [Category Java] - used on pages that relate to programming in Java, invoking Java classes, etc * [Category Jim] - used on pages that relate to the [Jim] tiny, Tcl-alike language * [Category (L)GPL Licensed] - wiki pages about programs with a [FSF] license * [Category Language] - used on pages that describe programming languages * [Category Licence] - relating to various end user license agreement issues * [Category Linguistics] * [Category Linux] - relating to Linux specific issues * [Category Local] - topics dealing with local specialties for given countries or natural languages * [Category Mac] - used on pages discussion the Apple Macintosh computer and related topics * [Category Mailing List] - used on pages describing mailing lists * [Category Mathematics] - used on pages relating to mathematical concepts, calculations, algorithms, etc * [Category Medicine] - programs and code applicable to the field of medicine * [Category Mobile] - Tcl on mobile platforms * [Category Multimedia] - used on pages relating to Multimedia concepts * [Category Music] - pages that discuss generation of music * [Category Networking] - used on pages relating to various networking issues. * [Category Numerical Analysis] - pages for this specific field of math * [Category Object Orientation] - used on pages relating to OO packages, design issues, and other related topics * [Category Office Automation] - pages describing Tcl applications and packages used in automating office work * [Category Oldies] - dealing with old versions of Tcl as well as old, no longer supported, operating system platforms * [Category Operating System] - used on operating system pages * [Category Optical Illusion] * [Category Package] - used on pages describing specific Tcl related re-usable software entities, sometimes referred to as extensions * [Category Performance] - used for collecting pages dealing with improving, measuring, comparing etc. the performance of Tcl and associated extensions and applications * [Category Person] - used on pages describing specific people, as opposed to the Home Page category which is really intended on being used by the person his or herself * [Category Physics] - used on pages discussing programming relating to physics. * [Category PIM] - pages whose topic relates to Personal Information Management programs or technologies * [Category Plotting] - pages concerning the graphical presentation of a dataset (why not just use visualization?) * [Category Polygon] - pages whose topic relates to polygons, geometric objects, etc. * [Category Porting] - used on pages describing porting tcl programs and extensions to newer or older platforms / versions * [Category Presentation] - discussion, concepts, packages relating to the presentation of content * [Category Printing] - pages relating to some aspect of achiving hard copy * [Category Remote Procedure Call] - * [Category Repository] - pages related to requirements, creation, operation, maintenance, and availability of repositories for Tcl code * [Category Science] - pages relating to sciences other than computer science * [Category Scripted Document] - old name for [Starkit]. * [Category Security] - used on pages that suggest extensions or topics relating to software/data/computer security issues * [Category Signal Processing] - processing measured data signals * [Category Snit] - pages about [Snit's Not Incr Tcl] * [Category Snit Widgets] - pages of [megawidget]s written in [Snit] * [Category Sound] - used on pages connected to generating and analyzing soud data (music, monitoring, etc.) * [Category Speech Synthesis] - pages related to speech synthesis. * [Category Statistics] - pages relating to the mathematical calculation of statistics * [Category String Processing] - Strings, text, regular expressions, etc. * [Category Suggestions] - used on pages that suggest extensions or new features that still wait for someone to implement them * [Category Syntax] - discuss Tcl syntax and related issues * [Category System Administration] - pages relating to issues of managing computer systems and their users. * [Category Tcl Implementations] - used on pages that discuss the various Tcl-like interpreters available * [Category Tcl Library] - used on pages that document the various Tcl C API functions * [Category Tcl3D] - pages related to the [Tcl3d] [package] * [Category Tcler's Wiki] - used on pages that relate to the meta-topic of [the Tcler's Wiki] web site itself * [Category TclHttpd] - pages relating to the popular Tcl web server * [Category Tclkit] - used on pages discussing the building and use of [tclkit] all in one "Batteries Included" distribution format * [Category tcllib] - the tcl script based [tcllib] [package]. * [Category TclX] - the extension which adds more ''unix'' type commands to tcl * [Category Testing] - used on pages discussing the building and use of tcl in various testing capacities * [Category Text Screen] * [Category Threads] - Collection of Tcl and thread application architectural issues * [Category TIP] - pages discussing [Tcl Improvement Proposal]s * [Category Tk ] - relating to the [Tk] package * [Category Tk Library] - the C API provided by the Tk library * [Category tklib] - the tcl script based [tklib] [package]. * [Category Toys] - fun code that technically isn't related to games * [Category Tutorial] - used on pages that are suitable for learning * [Category VFS] - pages relating to [vfs], the virtual file system * [Category Visualization] - pages relating to graphically displaying data * [Category Webserver] - web server info on the wiki * [Category Whizzlet] - What are [whizzlets]? * [Category Widget] - used on pages that relate to Tk [widget]s * [Category Wikit] - used on pages that relate to the general software used to run this web site itself * [Category Windows] - used on pages that relate to [Microsoft]'s [Windows] operating system in any of its incarnations * [Category Word and Text Processing] - used on pages that deal with the programatic processing of words or text (i.e. editors, formatters, spelling checkers, etc.) * [Category XML] - used on pages related to [XML] * [Category XOTcl Code] - pages of topics and code relating to the [XOTcl] object oriented extension ---- [Category Tcler's Wiki]