---- [trebor] 7-5-6 It was about 2000, when I thought about platform-independent graphics/sound/gui/network via C/C++ and about a platform independent shell. I reminded myself of tcl/tk for gui and noticed it as a very good shell, too. I bought 2 books (dev-guide and welsh) and discovered the whole strength. The killing feature was/is the emacs-tcl-mode with its tcl-eval-region/defun (see [emacs mode enhancement]). Tcl/TK does all this things easily which you really do not want to do in C/C++. I infected at least 3 collegues with the Tcl/Tk virus ;) ---- Casey (7-4-2006) In or around 1998 I wanted to create scripts for the Eggdrop bot. After finding a book (Ousterhout's) and trying to learn the language. I didn't successfully create anything until around 2000 (I am more a right-brained person than left), when I found an IRC client written in Tcl/Tk and still actively maintained. I then had a good and practical reason to learn the language. ---- [GWL] 4-Jul-2006 Picked it up out of the recycle bin. Back in 1991 we were looking to make an expand/replace decision on a home grown language. I was talking to one of the other software architects on the project as we waited for some printouts from a rather slow laser printer. In midsentance he stopped, bent down and picked up a print out of the recycle bin -- it was JO's paper on Tcl/Tk from the Usenix conference that had taken place the week before. Our system admin was there but could not attend John's talks and wanted to read the paper, but had accidentally printed two copies. So one ended up in the safe-a-tree box and the rest, as they say, is history. ---- [RJ] 06/30/06 Through the back door. At UUNET, about 1999, Expect was in heavy usage for scripting network router and other device logins. I found an old script that had a [while] statement in it - not documented in the Expect man page. So I bought the Don Libe's Expect book. A whole new world opened up where EIAS and solutions are 25 lines or less. Then I found [RS] on the wiki - that number is much smaller now. ;) ---- [wdb] (2006-05-27) Theoretically, I knew of it since the early 90s, and from some freeware CDs of the c't (German journal on computers). Practically, I got to know it when starting the development of an application [http://wolf-dieter-busch.de/js/mte/en.htm], where the [GUI] was a must, and where [Tcl/Tk] provided better documentation related to [Tk] than [Perl/Tk] and [Python]/[Tkinter]. ---- [Robert Abitbol] (26 May 2006) How did I discover TCL/TK? Through 3 excellent programs: * [Will Duquette]'s wiki editor. * [Brian Theado]'s [TKOutline]. One of the very few stand-alone outliners on the market and an excellent one at it. * [Mark Roseman]'s [ProjectForum]. This has piqued my curiosity. Will gave a link to this site and this is how I learned of this site and of TCL. But need I add: discovering this great programming language did not make a programmer out of me. I am still relying on others to program for me. I cannot be all things: at one point I have to limit myself to what I do best... And programming is not what I do best.... ---- [Robert Hicks] I was using Perl/Tk to do some stuff and decided to see what the Tcl part of it was. ---- [Bryan Oakley] I was heavily into perl and stumbled onto perl/tk (in the perl 3 days, circa 1994). After doing GUIs in Motif, OpenLook and a host of others, Tk was a breath of fresh air. A year later I saw a job ad for a tcl/tk programming gig and talked myself into the job. Perl was great at the time but I don't miss it one bit. ---- [lexfiend] I was studying at UC Berkeley (1988-1992) when I first stumbled across Tcl in my perennial search for new languages to fool around with. Even amongst such ''exotic'' languages as Smalltalk, FORTH, Perl, Lisp/Scheme and Glish, Tcl was unusual in that it was the only one that made me stop, think, tinker, and muster up enough energy and commitment to create and maintain both * the very first Tcl/Tk FTP Contrib Archive (the Web was non-existent, and even Gopher was almost unknown at the time), and * the first (at least to my knowledge) dynamic loading extension for tclsh, the spiritual ancestor to today's '''[[load]]'''. Alas, both seem to have disappeared completely. If anyone still has a copy of the dynload extension from 1992, please let me know at tee-cee-ell at zero-three-ess-dot-net. It would be nice to review my old code and ROTFLMAO. 8-) Some folks, knowing my origins, have asked me whether [JO] and I had ever crossed paths. Well... * Yes, we were in the same department (EECS) though in different capacities. * Yes, I did spend a ''lot'' of time at Evans Hall, mostly in the labs and lecture halls. * No, I never took any of [JO]'s classes. * No, we never met in the hallways, or the local Subway's, or anyways. (The subs at Togo's were better than those at That Other Place though. 8-) ---- [JHJL] Circa 1995 I chanced upon [JO]'s book and saw the light - no more battling with Motif and X-Window toolkits. Programming became simple again :) ---- [dzach] Trying to find a voice pitch extractor, I fell on [Snack] and the Wavesurfer, and this new, "everything is a string" language, TCL. ---- [LES] I had been deeply frustrated since my teens for not being able to program. In 2001, I decided to learn it "at all costs". I started with PHP and Perl. Like a good geek, I also investigated many other options: Bash, ksh, awk, [Ruby], Python, [Lua], [Java] (first attempted in 1995), [C], Pike, [Rexx], VB, [Javascript] and WSH. I remember I saw a small Tcl/Tk quick reference manual in the bookstore, but the language looked rather strange. It also seemed pretty obscure, rarely ever had I seen any mention of it on the Internet. Two days later, a very experienced sys admin made interesting comments on Tcl in a PHP chat list and I thought I'd give it a try. My first contacts with Tcl were not good. Variable assignment with [set] and the abundance of brackets put me off right away. I had written lots of useful stuff with PHP, but began to sorely miss the ability to write GUIs. Tcl had Tk, and integrated so perfectly. I forced myself into it. It took me a while to understand Tcl's peculiarities and that these peculiarities were advantages. I must add, [RS] had a lot to do with my enlightenment. In 2003 I decided to marry Tcl and leave all else behind (except Bash - it's everywhere like Vi). In 2005 I tore down my PHP-based Web site and built a new one with Tcl. It works better now. Everything is better now. ---- [SYStems] Generally I wanted to learn how to program, and very early in my path I was introduced to the idea that learning more than one programming language, different languages that support different programming paradigms, is the best way to be a competant programmer. Trying to learn different programming skills, I reached the point where I wanted to learn how to create user interfaces. Tcl have the reputation of being one of the easiest language to work with to create a UI, plus all the other scripting languages in which I was more interest, used Tk as their standard or default UI Kit. ---- [DKF]: In 1994, I saw a fellow student using [Tcl] (and [Tk] and [TclX] I now know) to write a network client much faster than I and a bunch of others could in C++. I asked him what he was using and thought that was neat. And then promptly forgot about it. :-) The following year, I found a copy of JO's book, remembered the conversation, bought the book, read it cover-to-cover, and never looked back. ---- [Googie] About 2000-2001 - I was looking for some toolkit to write GUI client for a daemon I'd written. I was woundering how is it done in Linux kernel configuration interface ('make xconfig') and that's how I've explored Tcl capabilities. ---- TCL was the only scripting language better than awk/shell combo available on the SCO Unix server I had to use. ---- [TG] My employer wanted me to learn it in 2001 and now I use it even at home. ---- [RS] In 1996, a co-worker gave me a quick-reference sheet. I looked at it, wondering what this now was again. But having done [Lisp] and [Logo] before, the spirit of the language felt good. [Tk] was amazing - shortly before I had coded some Japanese text displayer in Xlib, and it was quite a hassle. Then came Tcl 8.1 - I downloaded an alpha, tested interactively that "subst \uXXXX" did work in fact, and from that day on I really loved Tcl (having to deal, both at work and home, with very foreign languages). And as this Wiki shows, that love has brought forward many a fruit :^) ---- [NDM] In about 1993 or 1994, I was looking for easy ways to build GUIs. I found a few free GUI-building tools on some FTP sites, but none were all that great. You still had to give pixel coordinates for widgets, and the functionality was limited. A coworker of mine had mentioned using Tcl a few times, and I didn't know anything about it. He was using it on a Mac, so he didn't have Tk. (It was Unix-only at the time.) Anyway, I got Tcl just out of curiosity, and lo and behold, it had Tk with it! I looked at the demo scripts, and was pleasantly surprised to find that * Tcl was (superficially) very shell-like, so it had a familiar ring to it, and * the examples had NO pixel coordinates anywhere! The fact that the [[pack]] command could usually just do the right thing totally blew me away. Then, I discovered the wonderfully simple C interface. I haven't looked back since. [Category Community]