[Peter Lewerin] (2004-01-26): HereTcl is an unorthodox, radical, contrastandard, and hopefully interesting variant of Tcl. (2004-01-28): I may have to abandon postfix notation, ''sigh''. I'm almost done with simple expressions now, but need to write a better parser before I move on to the good stuff. I think I will need to use "..." to distinguish string data from code. Sorry, brethren, I may need to bring you back to Egypt on that. * '''>''' is the interpreter prompt * '''//''' means to clear the results stack * ''';''' means the operation can't pop from input (1) Values are simply pushed on the results stack until an operator appears > 2 3 4 4 3 2 (2a) Postfix: two arguments are popped from the results stack > // 2 3 4 + > // 2 3 4 - 7 2 -1 2 (2b) Infix: one argument is popped from the results stack; the other is read from the token stream > // 2 3 + 4 > // 2 3 - 4 7 2 -1 2 (3a) That is, unless the next token is ";" in which case the interpreter must attempt to evaluate as postfix > // 2 3 + ; 4 > // 2 3 - ; 4 4 5 4 -1 (3b) The above is equivalent to > // 2 3 + > // 2 3 - 5 -1 > 4 > 4 4 5 4 5 (3c) > // 2 + 3 4 > // 2 - 3 4 4 5 4 -1 (4) There must be at least one value on the results stack before the operator is read > // + 2 3 4 error: addition requires two terms (5) But the values on the results stack can be left over from previous operations > // 2 2 > + 3 4 4 5 > + 3 4 4 7 5 ---- [RS]: so binary operators work either infix or postfix (RPN), and the stack is returned, top at left? (PL): Yes. The stack direction is simply the result of dumping a tcllib stack. [RS] would be sorry if postfix notation was abandoned - the great breakthrough of Lukasiewicz (or so), in creating Polish notation, was to do away with all unnecessary infix problems, but you had to read PN right to left. (Tcl is Polish, but remarkably intuitive though...) RPN (as in [Forth]) was the next step to make the notation more palatable for us left-to-righters. Both have the advantage for friends of FP that hardly any variables are ever needed, if you just keep the stack in mind. See [Playing Joy] or [Minimal RPN]. If I'd ever give up Tcl, it might well be for a powerful RPN language...