Version 12 of HelloWorld

Updated 2015-06-21 20:26:19 by MiHa

if 0 {


MiHa 2015-06-13: HelloWorld-programs are supposed to be the most simple, working programs of a given language.

But I want to extend such a HelloWorld-program to a one-page - reference-card,
where all the essential features of the language are shown.
Several short programs would be ok, too.
If possible, while doing something useful (and/or funny).

Tcl by itself (without Tk) is quite simple , so an amount of code to fill about one printed page should be enough.
(The layout may need to be tweaked, e.g. printing front and back, landscape, and in 2-4 columns:)

Basic Tcl Commands to cover:

Advanced features (to include if space permits):


More features, to be left out, for a later lesson (too advanced, or too rarely needed for an introduction):


Things to be aware of:

  • comments are commands, so quotes and braces inside need to be balanced
  • when to use / not to use "$" with variablenames ( set i 1; puts $i; incr i $i )

Maybe there already are some programs here in the wiki that would qualify for such a refcard-program...


Program 1

  # HelloWorld001.tcl - 2015-06-13 -
  # Output string to terminal:

  puts "Hello, World!"

  ### EOF ###

Some ideas:

  • Table of primes
  • Dice-rolling
    • with min/max/average
  • Calculate distance
  • Number of days between dates


Program 2

 # HelloWorld002.tcl - MiHa - 2015-06-13

  puts "Demo:"
  set i 0
  foreach s { Hello , world ! }  { incr i; puts "$i $s" }
 ### EOF ###


1 Hello
2 ,
3 World
4 !


This is the Alpha-version, there will be bugs, so use with caution

See also: