Holger Ewert / Germany holger.ewert.wiki@arcor.de ---- I post no code. Only text. Try/feel free to use it as code but don't blame me, if it doesn't work or something goes wrong. If you (or someone else) think it is code and you (or someone else) think you need a license, take the license.terms which comes with tcl. ---- * [Alternative dialogs for pocketPC/etcl] * [colorChooser for pocketPC/etcl] * [BWidget::NoteBook - changing placement of arrowbutton] * [First impressions with tcl/tk 8.5.0] * [A small editor in 8.5.0] * [tk_textCopy/tk_textCut without elided text] * [Another diff in tcl] * [ttk::treeview - Different bindings] * [Search pattern list] ---- Contributed to: * [serial ports on Windows] * [AndroWish: Tips and Tricks] * [Regular Expressions] * [lrotate] * [Dual or Multiple Monitors] * [static constant datasets stored in proc] * [Overloading widgets] * [tk fontchooser] <> Person