Version 4 of GraphQL

Updated 2017-10-09 23:12:08 by Napier

GraphQL with Tcl

This is not currently an attempt to build a fully compliant GraphQL package, but I did want to be a parse the GraphQL general syntax and use it to unify the syntax that I use to communicate between various parts of my application. I figured others may find this useful to use or extend. I built this without reading the spec closely so it should be considered when using this code. I will likely improve it over time, and if it ends up being used a lot in our production app you can expect it will grow out from here.

GraphQL can be an awesome way of querying and controlling various aspects and can be considered a replacement of the "REST" protocol.

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.

Current Support

  • Directives
  • Query/Mutations
  • Variables and simple types including require (!)
  • Query/Mutation Names
  • call fn as property name (projOne: project() {})

Example GraphQL Query

GraphQL allows us to make a query and request the exact data we want. Our server can then respond with only that data without all the extra values that normally might be included with a rest call. When this starts to get more and more complex you quickly realize it can save an amazing amount of REST calls by turning them all into one.

query MyGraphQLQuery(
  $projectIdentityID: String!
  $size: Int!
) {
  project(projectIdentityID: $projectIdentityID) {
      size: $size
      proj: $projectIdentityID
    ) {
      event {
namespace eval graphql {}

namespace eval ::graphql::regexp {
  variable graphql_re {(?xi) # this is the _expanded_ syntax
    (?:  # Capture the first value (query|mutation) -> $type
         # if this value is not defined, query is expected.
    (?:          # A query/mutation may optionally define a name
    (?:\(([^\)]*)\))? # Capture the values within the variables scope

  # The start of the parsing, we capture the next value in the body
  # which starts the process of capturing downwards.
  variable graphql_body_re {(?xi)
    ([^\s\(\{:]*)  # capture the name of the query
    (?:            # optionally may define a name and fn mapping
      :            # if a colon, then we need the fn name next
      ([^\s\(\{]*) # capture the name of the fn
    (?:\(([^\)]*)\))? # optionally capture var definitions
    (.*)  # grab the rest of the request

  variable graphql_next_query_re {(?xi)
    ([^\s\(\{:]*)  # capture the name of the query
    (?:        # optionally may define a name and fn mapping
      \s*:         # if a colon, then we need the fn name next
      ([^\s\(\{]*) # capture the name of the fn
      (?=\s*\()    # check if we have arg declarations
        ([^\)]*)   # grab the arg values
    (?:           # directives @include(if: $boolean) / @skip(if: $boolean)
      \s*(@[^\(]*\([^\)]*\)) # capture the full directive to be parsed
                             # we only capture the full directive and
                             # run another query to get the fragments
                             # if needed.
      (?=\s*\{)    # this is a object type, capture the rest so we know
                   # to continue parsing
    \s*           # this will only have a value if we are done parsing
    (.*)          # this value, otherwise its sibling will.

  variable graphql_directive_re {(?xi)
    ([^\s\(]*)  # the directive type - currently "include" or "skip"
    ([^\s\)]*)  # capture the variable to check against

namespace eval ::graphql::parse {}

proc ::graphql::parse packet {
  set data [json get $packet]
  set parsed [dict create]
  set type {}
  set definitions {}

  if {[dict exists $data variables]} {
    dict set parsed variables [dict get $data variables]

  if {[dict exists $data query query]} {
    set query [dict get $data query query]

  regexp -- $regexp::graphql_re $query \
    -> type name definitions body

  dict set parsed type $type

  dict set parsed name $name

  set body [string trim $body]

  if {$definitions ne {}} {
    ::graphql::parse::definitions $definitions

  ::graphql::parse::body $body

  return $parsed

proc ::graphql::parse::definitions definitions {
  upvar 1 parsed parsed
  foreach {var type} $definitions {
    set var [string trimright $var :]
    set var [string trimleft $var \$]
    if {[string match "*!" $type]} {
      set type [string trimright $type !]
      set required true
      if {![dict exists $parsed variables $var]} {
        tailcall return \
          -code error \
          -errorCode [list GRAPHQL PARSE VAR_NOT_DEFINED] \
          " variable $var is required but it was not provided within the request"
    } else {
      set required false
    if {[string index $type 0] eq "\["} {
      set isArray true
      set type [string range $type 1 end-1]
    } else {
      set isArray false
    if {[dict exists $parsed variables $var]} {
      set varValue [dict get $parsed variables $var]
    set type [string tolower $type]
    switch -- $type {
      float {
        set type double
        set checkType true
      boolean {
        set checkType true
      int {
        set type integer
        set checkType true
      default {
        set checkType false
    if {$checkType && [info exists varValue]} {
      if {$isArray} {
        set i 0
        foreach elval $varValue {
          if {![string is $type -strict $elval]} {
            tailcall return \
              -code error \
              -errorCode [list GRAPHQL PARSE VAR_INVALID_TYPE IN_ARRAY] \
              " variable $var element $i should be ${type} but received: \"$elval\" while checking \"Array<${varValue}>\""
          incr i
      } elseif {![string is $type -strict $varValue]} {

    dict set parsed definitions $var [dict create \
      type     [string tolower $type] \
      required $required

proc ::graphql::parse::arg arg {
  upvar 1 parsed parsed
  if {[dict exists $parsed variables]} {
    set variables [dict get $parsed variables]
  if {[string index $arg 0] eq "\$"} {
    set name [string range $arg 1 end]
    if {[dict exists $variables $name]} {
      set arg [dict get $variables $name]
    } else {
      return -code error " variable $name not found for arg $arg"
  return $arg

proc ::graphql::parse::fnargs fnargs {
  upvar 1 parsed parsed
  set data [dict create]

  # set argName  {}
  # set argValue {}
  foreach arg $fnargs {
    set arg [string trim $arg]
    if {$arg eq ":"} {
    if {[info exists argValue]} {
      # Once defined, we can set the value and unset our vars
      dict set data [arg $argName] [arg $argValue]
      unset argName
      unset argValue
    if {![info exists argName]} {
      set colonIdx [string first : $arg]
      if {$colonIdx != -1} {
        if {[string index $arg end] eq ":"} {
          set argName [string trimright $arg :]
        } else {
          lassign [split $arg :] argName argValue
      } else {
        # this is probably not right?
        set argName $arg
    } else {
      set argValue $arg

  if {[info exists argName] && [info exists argValue]} {
    dict set data [arg $argName] [arg $argValue]

  return $data

proc ::graphql::parse::directive directive {
  upvar 1 parsed parsed

  if {[dict exists $parsed variables]} {
    set variables [dict get $parsed variables]
  } else {
    set variables [dict create]

  regexp -- $::graphql::regexp::graphql_directive_re $directive \
    -> type var

  if {[string index $var 0] eq "\$"} {
    set name [string range $var 1 end]
    if {[dict exists $variables $name]} {
      set val [dict get $variables $name]
  } else {
    set val $var

  switch -nocase -- $type {
    include {
      if {![info exists val] || ![string is true -strict $val]} {
        return false
    skip {
      if {[info exists val] && [string is true -strict $val]} {
        return false
    default {
      return tailcall \
        -code error \
        -errorCode [list GRAPHQL BAD_DIRECTIVE] \
        " provided a directive of type $type ($directive).  This is not supported by the GraphQL Syntax."

  return true


proc ::graphql::parse::body remaining {
  upvar 1 parsed parsed
  set lvl 1
  set props [list]

  while {$remaining ne {}} {
    regexp -- $::graphql::regexp::graphql_body_re $remaining \
      -> name fn fnargs remaining

    if {$fn eq {}} {
      set fn $name

    if {$fnargs ne {}} {
      set fnargs [::graphql::parse::fnargs $fnargs]
      puts $fnargs

    set remaining [nextType $remaining]

    dict set parsed requests $name [dict create \
      name  $name \
      fn    $fn \
      args  $fnargs \
      props $props

    set remaining [string trimleft $remaining { \} }]

proc ::graphql::parse::nextType remaining {
  upvar 1 props pprops
  upvar 1 lvl plvl
  upvar 1 parsed parsed
  set lvl [expr {$plvl + 1}]

  while {[string index $remaining 0] ne "\}" && $remaining ne {}} {
    unset -nocomplain name
    set skip false
    set props [list]

    regexp -- $::graphql::regexp::graphql_next_query_re $remaining \
      -> name fn fnargs directive schema remaining

    if {![info exists name] || $name eq {}} {

    if {$directive ne {}} {
      # directive will tell us whether or not we should be
      # including the value.
      if {![::graphql::parse::directive $directive]} {
        set skip true

    set prop [dict create \
      name $name

    if {[info exists fnargs] && $fnargs ne {}} {
      set fnargs [::graphql::parse::fnargs $fnargs]
      dict set prop args $fnargs

    if {[info exists schema]} {
      set schema [string trim $schema]
      if {$schema ne {}} {
        if {$fn eq {}} {
          set fn $name
        dict set prop fn $fn
        set schema [nextType $schema]
        set schema [string trim $schema]
        set remaining [string trimleft $schema \}]

    if {[string is false $skip]} {
      if {[llength $props] > 0} {
        dict set prop props $props

      lappend pprops $prop

    set remaining [string trimleft $remaining { \n }]

  set remaining [string trimleft $remaining { \}\n }]

  # At this point, $schema will have content if we need to continue
  # parsing this type, otherwise it will be within remaining
  return $remaining