1) The robot in the movie: The Day the Earth Stood Still. Prevented from destroying the Earth by Helen's timely utterance of the most important phrase of that movie: Klatu Barada Niktoo See: http://imdb.com/title/tt0043456/ ---- 2) The name of [Hypnotoad]'s biggest and most important killer application to come: the thinking machine. Not just "I think therefore I am" crap. REALLY think. Like HAL9000, or Mycroft Holmes (See [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycroft_Holmes_%28computer%29] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Moon_Is_a_Harsh_Mistress] and look down for "Mike"). GORT is being architected from the outset to make use of the upcoming parallel processing tools that are penciled in for Tcl 9.0. The ultimate goal of GORT is to develop an AI that is capable of conducting a person's day to day business on the web, automatically. GORT would also be capable of assembling the trickle of ideas that come from humans into forms that turn into a stream of creativity. ---- [Category Glossary]