Version 6 of Google Code of Summer 2007 Proposals

Updated 2007-03-13 01:06:58 by JH

Tcl/Tk Community handles enhancement to Tcl/Tk code base with TIPs (Tcl Improvement Proposals - for details see ) and Tracker for Bugs/Feature requests/Patches - see ). There is also plenty ideas floating in this Tcler's Wiki ( ) so you are encouraged to browse these links to see what is currently needed.

You will probably find a mentor for any reasonably defined project inspired by browsing mentioned resources. But this particular page is for mentors to publish outlines for proposed projects. That way it would be simpler for students to discuss, choose and apply with Tcl as mentoring organization. It would be best if goal of the Google Code of Summer 2007 student project will be finally described in TIP like fashion. But lets start with what we've got now:


  • multiplatform embeddable multithreaded application web server in Tcl modular, supporting http/1.1 mechanism
  • (smaller part of above) Full HTTP/1.1 support in core http library
  • full bindings in Tcl for DDEML (Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library - MS Windows IPC used in many SCADAs) scada application, dde servers, serial communication facilities build into tcl
  • Tcl/tk framework for building database/form-based application a'la Borland Delphi: compose sample application form available components, integrating it and showing how to use and glue them together to accomplished database application in Tcl
  • enhancement to starkit/starpack deployment for multithreaded application

JH is always full of more ideas than time:

  • Add background exec (BLT's bgexec) to core Tcl (I have some code for this)
  • Font fallback mappings
  • Font alias control
  • Process signalling ([pid signal])
  • Support for named colors (similar to the existing named fonts, but potentially allow for things like patterns)
  • A full remapping of the plethora of wm transient/state/parent/etc into [wm attributes] options
  • [image put] support of "" for transparent pixels
  • Port tkdnd to OS X. X11 and Windows are done - OS X may or may not map into the existing API well.
  • Work on fine-grained locking/mutex issues in conjunction with pthread_atfork on linux/unix


Another thing would be to contribute more image formats (e.g. jpeg2000 or PNG) or faster image reader code to tkimg; I'm sure that would be appreciated, and it could all be done by leveraging other open code, which is a Summer-of-Code sort of thing to do.