[WJG] (07/04/10) The Gnocl development team are pleased to announce the release of Version 0.9.95. Over the past few months a wide range significant enhancements and additions have been made to the range of resources available. Perhaps the most significant of all these changes has been the inclusion of the ability to load both Builder and Glade XML UI description files from either disk or internal buffers. In order to allow Glade users to take advantage of all the Gtk+ widget and dialogues available, a number of additional widgets have been added which to accommodate the minor differences between the basic Gtk+ offerings and their feature rich Gnocl counterparts. Included too with this release is the implementation of the gnocl::pixBuf command for the manipulation of offscreen graphics.. '''NEW WIDGETS''' gnocl::assistant gnocl::ruler gnocl::HRuler gnocl::VRuler gnocl::calendar gnocl::curve gnocl::gammaCurve gnocl::acclelarator gnocl::textBuffer gnocl::colorWheel '''NEW DIALOG OBJECTS''' gnocl::fontSelectionDialog gnocl::inputDialog gnocl::fileChooser gnocl::colorChooser '''NEW OBJECT CLASS''' gnocl::pixBuf '''NEW COMMANDS''' gnocl::builder gnocl::glade gnocl::inventory gnocl::screen gnocl::signalStop gnocl::beep gnocl::grab gnocl::application '''PERCENT STRINGS''' new option "%?" denoting gnocl::pixBuf '''NEW FEATURES''' gnocl::window new commands show hide new options -onFocusOut -onFocusIn -onActivateDefault -onActivateFocus -onFrameEvent -onKeysChanged -onSetFocus gnocl::text new commands getIndex lorem save load new options -buffer -doOnCutClipboard -doOnCopyClipboard -doOnPasteClipboard -text gnocl::image new commands turn flip gnocl::drawingArea new command option add gnocl::aboutDialog new options -visible gnocl::dialog new options -visible gnocl::expander new options -spacing -underline gnocl::comboEntry new options -entryWidth -widthChars gnocl::entry new command setPosition (problematic) new options -onInsertText -onKeyPress -onKeyRelease -align gnocl::winfo new sub-command geometry '''BUG FIXES''' gnocl::label resolved problems with use of pango markup with the -text option gnocl::aboutDialog resolved problems associated with use of the close button failing to close the dialog. General options corrected problem with setting the -shadow option '''WIDGET MODIFICATIONS''' gnocl::box changed default padding from GNOCL_PAD (8 pixels) to GNOCL_PAD_TINY (2 pixels) gnocl::table changed defaults for borderwidth and row spacing to to GNOCL_PAD_TINY gnocl::menu command popup enhanced to support exact positioning with x y. <>Enter Category Here