There are a lot of articles in|%Category GUI%|%. This page aims to be a "newbie-friendly"-pointer to the most essential topics. [Tcl] - the "tool-command-language". All the elements for programming (but console-only). [Tk] - the "toolkit", an extension to tcl, for graphics, GUI, etc. * General * Layout: ** [Frame] ** Layout-Managers ([place], [pack], [grid]) * [Text]- and [entry] - Fields * Buttons: ** Push-[Button]s, ** [checkbox]es ** [radiobutton]s * [Canvas] * graphic elements: ** [text], [line], [rect], [oval], image, etc. ** [Label]s * [Menu] * Control: ** [bind] ... Pages: * [m+] - Simple menu-system * [Menus made easy] * Programs with a menu: ** [iKey: a tiny multilingual keyboard] - program with a tiny menu ** [Advent Wreath] - small menu, with help&about, and radio-buttons for options ** ... * [Grid-Demos] - layouts arranged in a grid, done with pack and grid * [Simple Canvas Demo] - put text, lines, rect, curve on a canvas * [Simple Entry Demo] - entry-fields for integers, calculate sum and product * [IP Calculator GUI] - entry-fields for IP-addresses / uses [ttk] * [7GUIs] - a sequence of mini-applications, each highlighting a useful GUI pattern in a short implementation * ... ... ** See also ** * Tk-Demos - forms.tcl : Simple entry-form for name, address, phone etc. <
>But hard to see with all the surrounding demo-code. * [TkDocs] <>GUI | Tutorial