The wiki markup of this page after the next horizontal ruler is the template a GSoC idea page should follow. To use add a link to a new page to the table of projects/ideas on the main idea page, then start the page editor, copy the markup from this page over and replace the placeholders with the real thing. ---- *Title of the Project/Idea* %|||% &|Areas | ''The project areas'' |& &|Good if student knows | ''Desired knowledge'' |& &|Priority | ''(Low, Medium, High)'' |& &|Difficulty | ''(Easy, Medium, Hard)''|& &|Benefits to the student | ''List benefits'' |& &|Benefits to the Tcl | ''List benefits'' |& &|Mentor | ''Mentor's name/link'' |& **Project Description** ''This is a project description.'' **References** ''Some URLs here'' **Comments** ''Some comments here, and discussion of the idea'' <>GSoC