'''Functional imaging''' is about Functional Image Synthesis ** See Also ** [Not functional imaging - scripting imaging]: [Functional Imaging with a High-Capacity GUI]: ** Description ** [Richard Suchenwirth] 2002-06-15: [Cameron Laird] pointed me [http://conal.net/papers/bridges2001/%|%Functional Image Synthesis%|%] (''Pan''), by Conal Elliott, where images (of arbitrary size and resolution) are produced and manipulated in an elegant functional way. [WikiDbImage funimj.gif] [WikiDbImage funimj.jpg] [WikiDbImage funimg2.jpg] [AK]: The current (2nd) edition of [SICP] has a chapter on functional imaging too, using painters and transformers. It doesn't have color transformers. Only the first edition is available on the web, and unfortunately does not contain this chapter. Functions written in [Haskell] (see [Playing Haskell]) are applied, mostly in [functional composition], to pixels to return their color value. FAQ: '''Can we have that in Tcl too?''' As the ''funimj'' demo below shows, in principle yes; but it takes some patience (or a very fast CPU) - for a 200x200 image the function is called 40000 times, which takes 9.48 seconds on my P200 box. Still, the output often is worth waiting for... and the time used to write this code was negligible, as the Haskell original could with few modifications be represented in Tcl. [Functional composition] had to be rewritten to Tcl's Polish notation - Haskell's ======none foo 1 o bar 2 o grill ====== (where "o" is the composition operator) would in Tcl look like ====== o {foo 1} {bar 2} grill ====== As the example shows, additional arguments can be specified; only the last argument is passed through the generated "function nest": ====== proc f x {foo 1 [bar 2 [grill $x]]} ====== But the name of the generated function is much nicer than "f": namely, the complete call to "o" is used, so the example proc has the name ======none {o {foo 1} {bar 2} grill} ====== which is pretty self-documenting ;-) I implemented "o" like this ([PYK] 2014-04-14: Basic idea of [RS] is still here, but object system has been added, and changes to the interface made): ====== #! /bin/env tclsh proc method {name params args} { switch [llength $args] { 1 { lassign $args body set attributes {} } 2 { lassign $args attributes body } default { error {wrong number args: should be \ "method name params ?attributes? body"} } } proc $name $params [string map [ list {{{attributes}}} [list $attributes] {{{body}}} $body] { set id $::errorInfo foreach varname {{attributes}} { upvar 0 ${id}::$varname $varname } {{body}} }] } method o args { # combine the functions in args, return the created name set body [concat [join $args { [}] \$x] append body [string repeat \] [expr {[llength $args]-1}]] set name [string map {: _} $args] regsub -all {[[:space:]]+} $name { } name set name o\ $name proc ${id}::$name x $body return $name } # Now for the rendering framework: method fim {f onfinish {zoom 100} {width 200} {height -}} busy { set busy 1 # produce a photo image by applying function f to pixels if {$height eq "-"} {set height $width} set im [image create photo -height $height -width $width] set data {} set xs {} for {set j 0} {$j < $width} {incr j} { lappend xs [expr {($j-$width/2.)/$zoom}] } $id fim_doing $f $onfinish $zoom $height $xs 0 $im $data[set data {}] } method fim_doing {f onfinish zoom height xs i im data} { if {$i >= $height} { after idle [list {*}$onfinish $im $data] return } set row {} set y [expr {($i-$height/2.)/$zoom}] foreach x $xs { lappend row [{*}$f [list $x $y]] } lappend data $row incr i after idle [list $id fim_doing $f $onfinish $zoom $height $xs $i $im $data[ set data {}]] } proc vstrip p { # a simple vertical bar b2c [expr {abs([lindex $p 0]) < 0.5}] } proc udisk p { # unit circle with radius 1 foreach {x y} $p break b2c [expr {hypot($x,$y) < 1}] } proc xor {f1 f2 p} { lappend f1 $p; lappend f2 $p b2c [expr {[eval $f1] != [eval $f2]}] } proc and {f1 f2 p} { lappend f1 $p; lappend f2 $p b2c [expr {[eval $f1] eq "#000" && [eval $f2] eq "#000"}] } proc checker p { # black and white checkerboard foreach {x y} $p break b2c [expr {int(floor($x)+floor($y)) % 2 == 0}] } proc gChecker p { # greylevels correspond to fractional part of x,y foreach {x y} $p break g2c [expr {(fmod(abs($x),1.)*fmod(abs($y),1.))}] } proc bRings p { # binary concentric rings foreach {x y} $p break b2c [expr {round(hypot($x,$y)) % 2 == 0}] } proc gRings p { # grayscale concentric rings foreach {x y} $p break g2c [expr {(1 + cos(3.14159265359 * hypot($x,$y))) / 2.}] } proc radReg {n p} { # n wedge slices starting at (0,0) foreach {r a} [toPolars $p] break b2c [expr {int(floor($a*$n/3.14159265359))%2 == 0}] } proc xPos p {b2c [expr {[lindex $p 0]>0}]} proc cGrad p { # color gradients - best watched at zoom=100 foreach {x y} $p break if {abs($x)>1.} {set x 1.} if {abs($y)>1.} {set y 1.} set r [expr {int((1.-abs($x))*255.)}] set g [expr {int((sqrt(2.)-hypot($x,$y))*180.)}] set b [expr {int((1.-abs($y))*255.)}] c2c $r $g $b } proc fplot {expr p} { foreach {x y} $p break b2c [expr abs($expr)<=0.04] ;# double eval required here! } proc bin2 {f1 f2 p} { set a [eval $f1 [list $p]] set b [eval $f2 [list $p]] expr { $a eq "#000" ? $b eq "#000" ? "green" : "yellow" : $b eq "#000" ? "blue" : "black" } } #--------------------------------------- Pixel converters: proc g2c {greylevel} { # convert 0..1 to #000000..#FFFFFF set hex [format %02X [expr {round($greylevel*255)}]] return #$hex$hex$hex } proc b2c {binpixel} { # 0 -> white, 1 -> black expr {$binpixel ? "#000" : "#FFF"} } proc c2c {r g b} { # make Tk color name: {0 128 255} -> #0080FF format #%02X%02X%02X $r $g $b } proc bPaint {color0 color1 pixel} { # convert a binary pixel to one of two specified colors expr {$pixel eq "#000" ? $color0 : $color1} } proc gPaint {color pixel} { set abspixel [lindex [rgb $pixel] 0] set rgb [rgb $color] set rgbw [rgb white] foreach var {r g b} in $rgb ref $rgbw { set $var [expr {round(double($abspixel)*$in/$ref/$ref*255.)}] } c2c $r $g $b } proc rgb {color} { upvar "#0" rgb($color) rgb if {![info exists rgb]} {set rgb [winfo rgb . $color]} set rgb } #------------------------------ point -> point transformers proc fromPolars p { foreach {r a} $p break list [expr {$r*cos($a)}] [expr {$r*sin($a)}] } proc toPolars p { foreach {x y} $p break # for Sun, we have to make sure atan2 gets no two 0's list [expr {hypot($x,$y)}] [expr {$x||$y ? atan2($y,$x): 0}] } proc radInvert p { foreach {r a} [toPolars $p] break fromPolars [list [expr {$r ? 1/$r: 9999999}] $a] } proc rippleRad {n s p} { foreach {r a} [toPolars $p] break fromPolars [list [expr {$r*(1.+$s*sin($n*$a))}] $a] } proc slice {n p} { foreach {r a} $p break list $r [expr {$a*$n/3.14159265359}] } proc rotate {angle p} { foreach {x y} $p break set x1 [expr {$x*cos(-$angle) - $y*sin(-$angle)}] set y1 [expr {$y*cos(-$angle) + $x*sin(-$angle)}] list $x1 $y1 } proc swirl {radius p} { foreach {x y} $p break set angle [expr {hypot($x,$y)*6.283185306/$radius}] rotate $angle $p } #------------------------------ Contour #contributed by Arjen Markus proc contour {expr p} { foreach {x y} $p break colourClass {-10 -5 0 5 10} [expr $expr] ;# double eval required here! } proc colourClass {classbreaks value} { set nobreaks [llength $classbreaks] set colour [lindex {darkblue blue green yellow orange red magenta} end ] for {set i 0} {$i < $nobreaks} {incr i} { set break [lindex $classbreaks $i] if { $value <= $break } { set colour \ [lindex {darkblue blue green yellow orange red magenta} $i ] break } } return $colour } #------------------------------ Some fancier gradient operators #contribued by DKF method g2 {f1 f2 p} { foreach {r1 g1 b1} [rgb [$id $f1 $p]] {break} foreach {r2 g2 b2} [rgb [$id $f2 $p]] {break} set r3 [expr {($r1+$r2)/2/256}] set g3 [expr {($g1+$g2)/2/256}] set b3 [expr {($b1+$b2)/2/256}] c2c $r3 $g3 $b3 } method g+ {f1 f2 p} { foreach {r1 g1 b1} [rgb [$id $f1 $p]] {break} foreach {r2 g2 b2} [rgb [$id $f2 $p]] {break} set r3 [expr {($r1>$r2?$r1:$r2)/256}] set g3 [expr {($g1>$g2?$g1:$g2)/256}] set b3 [expr {($b1>$b2?$b1:$b2)/256}] c2c $r3 $g3 $b3 } method g- {f1 f2 p} { foreach {r1 g1 b1} [rgb [$id $f1 $p] {break} foreach {r2 g2 b2} [rgb [$id $f1 $p] {break} set r3 [expr {($r1<$r2?$r1:$r2)/256}] set g3 [expr {($g1<$g2?$g1:$g2)/256}] set b3 [expr {($b1<$b2?$b1:$b2)/256}] c2c $r3 $g3 $b3 } proc invert {c} { foreach {r1 g1 b1} [rgb $c] {break} set r3 [expr {0xff-$r1/256}] set g3 [expr {0xff-$g1/256}] set b3 [expr {0xff-$b1/256}] c2c $r3 $g3 $b3 } #------------------------------ User Interface method fim'show f {busy oldzoom onfinish t0 w zoom} { set t0 [clock clicks] set oldzoom $zoom $id fim [list $id $f] [list $id fim'finished $f] $zoom [ winfo width $w.f2.c] [winfo height $w.f2.c] } method fim'finished {f im data} {busy cimg w t0} { if {$cimg ne {}} { $w.f2.c delete $cimg } set cimg [$w.f2.c create image 0 0 -image $im -anchor nw] $im put $data pack $w.f2.c set busy {} wm title . "[expr [clock clicks]-$t0] clicks for $f" } method fim'try {} {w try} { set ${id}::command [list $id fim'show [$id o {*}$try]] after idle [namespace eval $id [list namespace code { if {[catch $command]} { $w.f2.c delete all $w.f2.c create text 10 10 -anchor nw -text $::errorInfo } }]] } package require Tk #----------------------------------------------- testing method behave {behaviour args} {busy} { if {$busy ne {}} { return } set busy [after idle [list $id $behaviour {*}$args]] } method randtoggle {} {w randomplay} { if {$randomplay} { set randomplay 0 $w.f2.rplay configure -fg black } { set randomplay 1 $w.f2.rplay configure -fg green $id randomplay } } method randomplay {} {try randomplay} { if {!$randomplay} return set funcs [lmap x [info procs ${id}::o\ *] { string trimleft [string trimleft [namespace tail $x] o] }] set idx [expr {entier(rand()*[llength $funcs])}] set try [lindex $funcs $idx] $id behave fim'try after 5000 [list after idle [list $id randomplay]] } method rezoom args {afterzoom scale_delay} { after cancel $afterzoom set afterzoom [after $scale_delay [list after idle [ namespace eval $id [list namespace code { if {$zoom != $oldzoom} { if {$try ne {}} { $id behave fim'try } } }]]]] } method gui {} { namespace eval $id { frame $w.f2 canvas $w.f2.c variable cimg {} variable try entry $w.f2.e -bg white -textvar ${id}::try bind $w.f2.e [namespace code { $id behave fim'try}] button $w.f2.rplay -text randplay -command [namespace code { $id randtoggle }] scale $w.f2.s -from 1 -to 100 -variable \ ${id}::zoom -ori hori -width 6 bind $w.f2.s [list $id rezoom] #--------------------------------- button bar: frame $w.f listbox $w.f.listbox -yscrollcommand [ list $w.f.scrbary set] -xscrollcommand [ list $w.f.scrbarx set] foreach imf [lsort [info procs ${id}::o\ *]] { $w.f.listbox insert end [string trimleft [ string trimleft [namespace tail $imf] o]] } bind $w.f.listbox <> [namespace code { set try [$w.f.listbox get [$w.f.listbox curselection]] }] bind $w.f.listbox [namespace code { $id behave fim'try}] bind $w.f.listbox [namespace code { $id behave fim'try}] scrollbar $w.f.scrbarx -orient horizontal -command [ list $w.f.listbox xview] scrollbar $w.f.scrbary -orient vertical -command [ list $w.f.listbox yview] #pack {*}[winfo children $w.f] -side top -fill x -ipady 0 pack $w.f.scrbary -side right -fill y pack $w.f.scrbarx -side bottom -fill x pack $w.f.listbox -fill both -expand 1 pack $w.f2.c -side top -fill both -expand 1 pack $w.f2.e -side bottom -fill x pack $w.f2.s -side left -fill x -expand 1 pack $w.f2.rplay -side right -fill x pack $w.f $w.f2 -side left -anchor n -fill both -expand 1 } } proc new {id w} { set id [namespace eval $id { namespace export {[a-z]*} namespace ensemble create -prefixes no namespace path [namespace parent] #dirtiest object system in The West! namespace ensemble configure [namespace current] -unknown [ list apply [list {ns args} { set args [lassign $args[set args {}] ns cmd] set ::errorInfo $ns list [namespace current] $cmd } [namespace parent]] [namespace current]] variable id [namespace current] proc my {} {namespace current} variable busy {} variable scale_delay 0 variable zoom 25 variable oldzoom $zoom variable afterzoom {} variable randomplay 0 namespace import [namespace parent]::o\ * set id }] $id o bRings $id o cGrad $id o checker $id o gRings $id o vstrip $id o xPos $id o {bPaint brown beige} checker $id o checker {slice 10} toPolars $id o checker {rotate 0.1} $id o vstrip {swirl 1.5} $id o checker {swirl 16} $id o {fplot {$y + exp($x)}} $id o checker radInvert $id o gRings {rippleRad 8 0.3} $id o xPos {swirl .75} $id o gChecker $id o {gPaint red} gRings $id o {bin2 {radReg 7} udisk} #contour plot (isoline-like) of the map ''f(x,y) = xy''. $id o {contour {$x*$y}} #Other cute variations by RS $id o {contour {($x+$y)*$y}} $id o {contour {sin($x)/cos($y)}} $id o {contour {exp($y)-exp($x)}} $id o {contour {exp($y)-cos($x)}} $id o {contour {exp($x)*tan($x*$y)}} $id o cGrad radInvert $id o cGrad {swirl 8} $id o {contour {sin($y)-tan($x)}} $id o {contour {exp($x)-tan($x*$y)}} toPolars ;# at zoom 20, a weird tropical fish... #contributed by DKF $id o gRings {rippleRad 8 0.3} {swirl 16} $id o gChecker {rippleRad 8 0.3} {swirl 16} $id o gChecker {rippleRad 6 0.2} {swirl 26} $id o {gPaint yellow} gChecker {rippleRad 6 0.2} {swirl 26} toPolars ;# Yellow Rose $id o cGrad {swirl 8} {slice 110} radInvert $id o cGrad {rippleRad 8 0.3} {swirl 8} radInvert {swirl 8} ;# Toothpaste! #and here are some stranger ones contributed by DKF $id o {gPaint yellow} gChecker fromPolars {rippleRad 6 0.2} {swirl 26} toPolars $id o {gPaint yellow} gChecker toPolars {rippleRad 6 0.2} {swirl 26} fromPolars #a few more $id o {bin2 checker bRings} {swirl 5} radInvert $id o cGrad {rippleRad 8 .3} {swirl 8} $id o vstrip {swirl 1.5} {rippleRad 8 .3} $id o {fplot {($x*$x-$y*$y)/10}} {swirl 15} {rippleRad 8 .3} $id o gChecker {rotate .1} {slice 10} radInvert ;# two kissing fish $id o cGrad fromPolars {swirl 16} ;# neon galaxy #And some pretty demos from DKF, word-smithed by PYK $id o invert {gPaint red} gRings $id o [list g2 [$id o gRings] [$id o gRings {rippleRad 8 0.3}]] $id o [list g+ [$id o {gPaint red} gRings] [$id o gRings {rippleRad 8 0.3}]] $id o [list g+ [ $id o {gPaint red} gChecker {swirl 16}] [ $id o gRings {rippleRad 8 0.3}]] $id o [list g+ [ $id o {gPaint red} gRings {rippleRad 8 0.3} {swirl 19}] [ $id o {gPaint green} gRings {rippleRad 8 0.3} {swirl 20}]] $id o [list g+ [ $id o {gPaint yellow} gRings {rippleRad 8 0.9} {swirl 28}] [ $id o {gPaint blue} gRings {rippleRad 6 1.5} {swirl 14}]] set ${id}::w $w $id gui set id } namespace export {[a-z]*} namespace ensemble create bind . {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} ;# dev helper bind . ? {console show} ;# dev helper, Win/Mac only for {set i 0} {$i < 2} {incr i} { frame .myframe$i pack .myframe$i -expand 1 -fill both for {set j 0} {$j < 2} {incr j} { pack [frame .myframe$i.$j] -expand 1 -fill both -side left new [info cmdcount] .myframe$i.$j } } ====== ---- [JCW] - If you have [Critcl] (and gcc), then you can use the following code to halve the execution time of cGrad (others could be "critified" too, of course): ====== if {[catch { package require critcl }]} { proc cGrad p { # color gradients - best watched at zoom=100 foreach {x y} $p break if {abs($x)>1.} {set x 1.} if {abs($y)>1.} {set y 1.} set r [expr {int((1.-abs($x))*255.)}] set g [expr {int((sqrt(2.)-hypot($x,$y))*180.)}] set b [expr {int((1.-abs($y))*255.)}] c2c $r $g $b } } else { proc cGrad p { return [eval [linsert $p 0 _cGrad]] } critcl::ccode { #include } critcl::cproc _cGrad {double x double y} char* { int r, g, b; static char buf [10]; if (fabs(x) > 1) x = 1; if (fabs(y) > 1) y = 1; r = (1 - fabs(x)) * 255; g = (sqrt(2) - hypot(x, y)) * 180; b = (1 - fabs(y)) * 255; sprintf(buf, "#%02X%02x%02x", r, g, b); return buf; } } ====== ---- [Arjen Markus]: Added `contour` and `colourClass` to the repertoire: [RS]: Beautiful - and fast: 1..2 sec on 833MHz W2K box. Best viewed at zoom ~10. There are many more left for to discover... ---- [DKF]: This is really cool indeed. Pretty. I've added some of my favourites. Note that many images with radInvert don't look very good. [WikiDbImage funimj3.jpg] A few more: ---- [DKF]: Here's some fancier operators for working with gradients... [http://www.man.ac.uk/~zzcgudf/tcl/bitsandpieces/swirls.png] ''(with a larger than usual image, I'll admit)'' ** Changes ** [PYK] 2012-12-09: removed `[update]`, scale change now triggers redraw [PYK] 2014-04-12: [http://wiki.tcl.tk/_/revision?N=3523&V=80%|%revision 80]. Various changes to the user interface. Added object system to turn it into a widget that can be instantiated multiple times. Consolidated contributed code examples into one script. <> Concept | Graphics | Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming | Functional Programming