Version 32 of Forth

Updated 2007-07-12 23:22:15 by andy

Forth is a computer programming language based on Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), e.g. in arithmetics like HP calculators:

 1 2 + 3 * 4 /  ( comments start with open paren and extend to close paren)

compares to Tcl's

 [expr {(1+2)*3)/4}] ;# comments

or, using Math Operators as Commands,

 [/ [* [+ 1 2] 3] 4]

FORTH in tcl anyone?

Chuck Moore created FORTH in 1970. An interesting article about FORTH appeared in Byte magazine [L1 ] .

Related to this is 1% the code a shocking paper by Chuck Moore.


  • Brief Introduction [L2 ]
  • And so Forth (a primer)[L3 ]
  • Comprehensive (for 4tH)[L4 ]

Leo Brodie's "Starting Forth" as a starkit for Windows/Linux/Solaris can be found here [L5 ].

Often over the years, FORTH and Tcl have been compared because of the mindset in both to write lots of procs/words to do one's work.

Several Forths have bound to Tk for their GUI toolkit needs. V6 [L6 ] is a commercial Forth based on Gforth available for Linuxes (and *BSD? and MacOS X?).

Zarutian 24. september 2006: Does an Tcl interpreter in Forth exists?

Zarutian 27. september 2006: Or do I have to write one?

wdb Please yes!

Zarutian 20. june 2007: Hmm... that would require Forth words for:

  • string manipulation (slicing and splicing)
  • string comparision

and something more probably.

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