Expect comes with a bunch of examples that are indispensable and unique full-function tools in their own right like cryptdir, [passmass], unbuffer, [kibitz], [dislocate], etc, etc. The latest cool new Expect whizbang: [multixterm]. [LV] offers an example of his use of Expect: "Our local public library used to have a telnet interface to its patron account system. I wrote an Expect script which logged onto the system, queried for the holdings status of each account in my family, then logged off. I would run this from [cron] and get a report as to which books were coming up for return, what items were held for pick up, and so on. I then placed the text version of that report into a directory where a daily sync to my Palm Pilot would result in a PalmOS memo containing this info." ---- [Category Expect]