Home Page - http://www.sics.se/~emmanuel/ Blog - http://embrof.sics.se/ In summary, scripting and Tcl have changed my programmer's life. There is before and after. I am a researcher and have been involved in numerous prototyping projects where we show people how to use the technology that we are focusing on (multi-user VR). Before, we were coding horrible applications in C, it tooks months for a pale result. Then, I interfaced Tcl to our toolkit and now we can do in weeks what took us months before. If you are interested, have a look at http://dive.sics.se/. The page has already been outdated for several years, but we are still working on the software behind it. I have changed research area since I last wrote something in here, but am still using Tcl for most of my work. I have made a library called the TIL [http://til.sf.net] available for download and hacking. ---- [[ [Category Home Page] | [Category Person] ]]