Version 1 of Ellipse Properties Slot Calculator Example

Updated 2010-08-20 23:30:30 by gold

Biruni Estimate of Earth Diameter Slot Calculator Example

       This page is under development. Comments are
       welcome, but please load any comments
       in the comments section 
       at the middle of the page. Thanks,[gold]

    [gold] Here is an eTCL  script on 
  to estimate  

 In planning any software,

     ***Screenshots Section***

     '''Comments Section'''
    Please place any comments here, Thanks.


 The history of cartography, Volume 2
 By John Brian Harley, David Woodward

                       ****Appendix Code****

appendix TCL programs and scripts



     #start of deck
     #start of deck
     #start of deck
     # ellipse properties
     # written on Windowws XP on eTCL 
     # working under TCL version 8.5.6 and eTCL 1.0.1 
     # gold on TCL WIKI , 18aug2010
      frame .frame -relief flat -bg aquamarine4
      pack .frame -side top -fill y -anchor center

 set names {{} {semimajor length a:} {semiminor length b:} {length c :} {area:} {length recal c:} {perimeter:} {eccentricity:}}
   foreach i {1 2 3 4 5 6 7} {
    label .frame.label$i -text [lindex $names $i] -anchor e
    entry .frame.entry$i -width 35 -textvariable side$i
    grid .frame.label$i .frame.entry$i -sticky ew -pady 2 -padx 1
  proc about {} {
    set msg "Calculator for Ellipse Properties.
          from TCL WIKI,
          written on eTCL "

    tk_messageBox -title "About" -message $msg
     proc pi {} {expr acos(-1)}

   proc interlinear { xx1 yy1 xx3 yy3 xx2   } {
     return [expr {  ((($xx2-$xx1)*($yy3-$yy1))/($xx3-$xx1))+ $yy1 } ] ;}

    proc pol { xx1 yy1 xx3 yy3 xx2   } {
     return [expr {  ((($xx2-$xx1)*($yy3-$yy1))/($xx3-$xx1))+ $yy1 } ] ;}

      proc errorx  {aa bb} {expr { $aa > $bb ?   (($aa*1.)/$bb -1.)*100. : (($bb*1.)/$aa -1.)*100.}}

       proc height5 { aa bb cc } {
        set bb [ expr { $cc*[pi]/180.  } ]
        set cc [ expr { $cc*[pi]/180.  } ]
        set dd  [ expr { 1.*$aa*tan($bb)*tan($cc)/( tan($cc)-tan($bb))} ]       
       return $dd

        proc ellipse5 { xx1   } {
       global side1 side2 side3
       global side4 side5 side6 side7
        set ss side1
        set tt $side2
        set cc  [ expr { $side1*$side1- $side2*$side2  } ] 
        set cc  [ expr { sqrt($cc)  } ] 
        set term1 [ expr { ($side1*$side1+ $side2*$side2) /2.    } ] 
        set perimeterx [ expr { 2.*[pi]*sqrt($term1)} ]
        set area1 [ expr { 1.*[pi]*$side1*$side2  } ]
        set xxx [ expr { $side4*[pi]/180.  } ]  
        set side4 $area1
        set side5 $cc
        set side7  [ expr { 1.*$cc/$side1 } ]
        set rr  [ expr { $cc/$side1 } ] 
        #set side7  [ expr { ((2.*[pi] *$side1*$side2)*(1.*$side2/$side1+($side1/$cc)*asin($rr)))} ]
        set side6 $perimeterx
       return $side7

    proc calculate {     } {
    global colorwarning
    global colorback
    global answer2   answer3
    global side1 side2 side3 side4 side5 side6 side7
       set answer2 5

      set answer2  [ ellipse5  $side1     ] 

   set side7 $answer2  

      proc fillup {aa bb cc dd ee ff gg} {

    .frame.entry1 insert 0 "$aa"
    .frame.entry2 insert 0 "$bb"
    .frame.entry3 insert 0 "$cc"
    .frame.entry4 insert 0 "$dd"
    .frame.entry5 insert 0 "$ee"
    .frame.entry6 insert 0 "$ff "
    .frame.entry7 insert 0 "$gg "


      proc clearx {} {
    foreach i {1 2 3 4 5 6 7} {
        .frame.entry$i delete 0 end

   proc reportx {} { 
   console show;
   puts "
   The interpolation function takes 
   two know points on a line and
   solves for an intermediate point.
   The points are xx1,yy1   xx2,yy2 and xx3,?yy3?
   The input order of the five items
   is xx1 yy1 xx2 yy2 xx3 
   and solving for ?yy3?.
   The interpolation function loaded as
   proc pol. User should be able to write
   pol 50. 1000. 200. 1200.  150.
   and save answer (1133.3)  on console."

  frame .buttons -bg aquamarine4

    ::ttk::button .calculator -text "Solve" -command { calculate   }

 ::ttk::button .test2 -text "Testcase1" -command {clearx;fillup 50. 10. 49. 1570.8  49. 226.5 0.97}
    ::ttk::button .test3 -text "Testcase2" -command {clearx;fillup 200. 100. 173. 6.28E4  173. 993. 0.86}
  ::ttk::button .test4 -text "Testcase3" -command {clearx;fillup 500. 250. 433. 3.9E5  433. 2483.  0.86 }
    ::ttk::button .clearallx -text clear -command {clearx  }
    ::ttk::button .about -text about -command about
    ::ttk::button .cons -text report -command { reportx }
    ::ttk::button .exit -text exit -command {exit}
    pack .calculator  -in .buttons -side top -padx 10 -pady 5

    pack  .clearallx .cons .about .exit .test4 .test3  .test2   -side bottom -in .buttons
    grid .frame .buttons -sticky ns -pady {0 10} 
     . configure -background aquamarine4 -highlightcolor brown -relief raised -border 30
    bind . <Motion> {wm title . "Ellipse Properties"}

   #end of deck
    #end of deck
      #end of deck
      #end of deck      
      #end of deck
    #end of deck

      #end of deck
      #end of deck
      #end of deck      
      #end of deck
      #end of deck