[Mike Tuxford]: This is a little experiment of mine that is similar to the time command but instead keeps track of proc times during actual usage. This rewrites procs dynamically. Currently I am doing this by writing a tmp file and then sourcing it, I seem to be missing a clue how to go about this without the tmp file creation. The code should be inserted after procs are created but before any have run. # this is a -*-Tcl-*- file. This line is for emacs. #################### # NOTE: "procs,watched" is the list of proc names you want to watch array set p { "procs,watched" "" "log,file" "/tmp/peformance.log" } proc p_start_time {name} { global p set p($name,start) [clock clicks -milliseconds] incr p($name,count) return } proc p_stop_time {name} { global p set t [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds]-$p($name,start)}] # this is a kludge for granularity, Wasn't sure how to handle it # so we just add 1ms if {$t == 0} { incr p($name,accum) 1 } else { incr p($name,accum) $t } seek $p(fd) 0 puts $p(fd) [format "%15s %-10s %-10s %-21s" "Proc" "iterations" "Avg (ms)" "Accumulated (ms)"] foreach in $p(procs,watched) { # sanity check for typos in $p(procs,watched) if {![string equal [info procs $in] $in]} { continue } # we skip procs that haven't been used if {$p($in,count) > 0} { puts $p(fd) [format "%15s %10d %-10f %-21d" \ $in $p($in,count) [expr double($p($in,accum))/double($p($in,count))] \ $p($in,accum)] } } flush $p(fd) return } proc init_performance {} { global p # if no procs to watch bail out if {![info exists p(procs,watched)] || \ [llength $p(procs,watched)] == 0} { return 0 } # make sure we can open our log if {[catch {open $p(log,file) w+} p(fd)]} { puts "performance: $p(fd)" return 0 } # create our new procs foreach name $p(procs,watched) { # backward compatible if {![string equal [info procs $name] $name]} { puts "performance: proc \"$name\" does not exist, skipping" continue } set tmp($name,body) [split [list [info body $name]] \n] set tmp($name,args) [info args $name] set p($name,count) 0 set p($name,accum) 0 # create a tmp file (/tmp/ is writable or we wouldn't get this far) set fd [open /tmp/proc.$name w] # add the proc starting lines puts $fd "proc $name \{$tmp($name,args)\} \{" puts $fd "global p" puts $fd "set p($name,start) \[clock clicks -milliseconds\]" puts $fd "incr p($name,count)" # add the proc body, inserting a line before all returns for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $tmp($name,body)]} {incr i} { if {[string match *return* [lindex $tmp($name,body) $i]]} { puts $fd "p_stop_time $name" } puts $fd [lindex $tmp($name,body) $i] } close $fd rename $name old_$name source /tmp/proc.$name file delete /tmp/proc.$name } return 1 } # this is inserted to get things started if {![init_performance]} { puts "no performance logging" } An example of the output log it creates: (doesn't format so well on the wiki) Proc iterations Avg (ms) Accumulated (ms) in 50 3.340000 167 out 8 2.250000 18 netEventHandler 55 2.945455 162 pop_buffer 55 1.018182 56 e_enter 5 9.200000 46 ----