Version 13 of DustMote with Snit

Updated 2015-04-12 13:43:37 by dbohdan

The following code is a version of the DustMote web server wrapped in a Snit type. It has all the functionality added in the Tclssg version , namely,

  • Basic logging (to stdout);
  • Content-Type;
  • Custom route handlers.

On top of it it adds new features:

  • Directory listings;
  • Every server being a Snit object, which means you can have multiple servers running at a time;
  • Path jailing (albeit not seriously tested for security);
  • TLS support;
  • Command line options when run as the main script;
  • Server reloading when run as the main script.

Known bugs:

  • Unicode URLs do not work.

You can download this server with wiki-reaper: wiki-reaper -x 41336 0 | tee dustmote-snit.tcl

Usage (from the command line)

usage: ./dustmote-snit.tcl -root value ?-host localhost? ?-port 8080? ?-default index.html? ?-verbose 1? ?-dirlists 1? ?-certfile public.pem? ?-keyfile private.pem? ?-tls 0?

You can use the following shell command to generate a set of temporary SSL certificates with OpenSSL:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout private.pem -out public.pem -subj '/CN=localhost' -days 1


#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
# DustMote HTTP server originally developed by Harold Kaplan
# ( Modified by Danyil Bohdan.
# This code is in the public domain.
package require Tcl 8.5
package require fileutil
package require snit 2
package require textutil

namespace eval ::dmsnit {
    variable version 0.7.1

::snit::type ::dmsnit::httpd {
    # Basic web server configuration.
    option -root \
            -default "" \
            -configuremethod Set-normalized
    option -host localhost
    option -port 8080
    option -default "index.html"
    option -verbose 1
    option -dirlists 1

    # TLS options.
    option -certfile \
            -default public.pem \
            -configuremethod Set-normalized \
            -validatemethod File-exists

    option -keyfile \
            -default private.pem \
            -configuremethod Set-normalized \
            -validatemethod File-exists

    option -tls \
            -default 0 \
            -configuremethod Set-tls

    # The "done" variable. Whoever creates the server object can vwait on this
    # variable using [vwait [$obj wait-var-name]] until a handler changes it to
    # signal that the server's work is done. Setting the variable to a true
    # value does not stop the server. It needs to be explicitly destroyed with
    # [$obj destroy] for that.
    variable done 0
    # Custom route handlers.
    variable handlers {}
    # The command used to create a new server socket.
    variable socketCommand socket
    # The server socket channel. Does not itself transfer data but can be closed
    # to stop accepting new connections.
    variable socketChannel

    constructor {} {}

    destructor {
        variable socketChannel
        $self log "shutting down"
        close $socketChannel

    # Private methods.

    method File-exists {option value} {
        if {![file isfile $value]} {
            error "file \"$value\" used for option $option doesn't exist"

    method Set-normalized {option value} {
        set options($option) [::fileutil::fullnormalize $value]

    method Set-tls {option value} {
        if {$option ne "-tls"} {
            error "Set-tls is only for setting the option -tls"
        if {$value} {
            package require tls
            ::tls::init \
                    -certfile [$self cget -certfile] \
                    -keyfile  [$self cget -keyfile] \
                    -ssl2 0 \
                    -ssl3 0 \
                    -tls1 1 \
                    -require 0 \
                    -request 1
            set socketCommand ::tls::socket
        } else {
            set socketCommand socket
        set options(-tls) $value

    # Public methods.

    # Create a server socket and start accepting connections.
    method serve {} {
        variable socketCommand
        variable socketChannel

        set root [$self cget -root]
        set host [$self cget -host]
        set port [$self cget -port]
        set tls [$self cget -tls]

        if {$root eq ""} {
            error "no root set"

        set message "serving path $root on $host port $port"
        if {$tls} {
            append message " with TLS"
        $self log $message

        set socketChannel [$socketCommand \
                -server "$self answer" \
                -myaddr $host $port]

    # Print $message to standard output if logging is enabled.
    method log {message} {
        variable verbose
        if {[$self cget -verbose]} {
            puts $message

    # Handle a new connection.
    method answer {connectChannel host2 port2} {
        fileevent $connectChannel readable \
                [list $self read-request $connectChannel]

    method return-file {connectChannel filename} {
        set fileChannel [open $filename RDONLY]
        fconfigure $fileChannel -translation binary
        fconfigure $connectChannel -translation binary -buffering full
        puts $connectChannel "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
        puts $connectChannel "Content-Type: [::mime::type $filename]"
        puts $connectChannel ""
        fcopy $fileChannel $connectChannel \
                -command [list $self close-channels \
                        $fileChannel $connectChannel]

    method return-404 {connectChannel} {
        puts -nonewline $connectChannel [::template::expand {
            HTTP/1.0 404 Not found
            Content-Type: text/html

            <!DOCTYPE html>
                    <title>404 Not found</title>
                    <h1>The URL you requested does not exist.</h1>
        close $connectChannel

    # Write to the channel $connectChannel the list of files and directories at
    # the local path $path formatted as HTML. $path should be an absolute path
    # and *not* one relative to -root.
    method return-dir-list {connectChannel path} {
        set links {}
        foreach url [glob -tails -nocomplain -directory $path *] {
            if {[file isdir [file join $path $url]]} {
                append url /
            append links "\n            <li><a href=\"$url\">$url</a></li>"

        set titlePath [file join / \
                [::fileutil::relative [$self cget -root] $path]]
        if {$titlePath eq "/."} {
            set titlePath /

        puts -nonewline $connectChannel [::template::expand {
            HTTP/1.0 200 OK
            Content-Type: text/html

            <!DOCTYPE html>
                    <meta charset="utf-8">
                    <title>Directory listing for %1$s</title>
                    <a href="..">Up a level</a>
        } $titlePath $links]
        close $connectChannel

    # Read an HTTP request from a channel and respond once it can be processed.
    method read-request {connectChannel} {
        variable handlers

        fconfigure $connectChannel -blocking 0

        # Parse the request to extract the filename.
        set gotLine [gets $connectChannel]
        if { [fblocked $connectChannel] } {
        fileevent $connectChannel readable ""
        set shortName "/"
        regexp {GET (/[^ ]*)} $gotLine _ shortName
        set wholeName [::fileutil::jail [$self cget -root] $shortName]

        # Return data.
        if {[dict exists $handlers $shortName]} {
            $self log "Hnd $shortName"
            apply [dict get $handlers $shortName] $connectChannel
        } else {
            # Default file.
            if {[file isdir $wholeName]} {
                set defaultFile [file join $wholeName [$self cget -default]]
                if {[file isfile $defaultFile]} {
                    set $wholeName $defaultFile

            if {[file isfile $wholeName]} {
                $self log "200 $shortName"
                $self return-file $connectChannel $wholeName
            } elseif {[$self cget -dirlists] && [file isdir $wholeName]} {
                $self log "200 $shortName"
                $self return-dir-list $connectChannel $wholeName
            } else {
                $self log "404 $shortName"
                $self return-404 $connectChannel

    # Called from read-request to clean up when a file request is completed.
    method close-channels {inChan outChan args} {
        close $inChan
        close $outChan

    # Add a new handler $lambda to be called when a client requests the URL
    # $route. $lambda should be an [apply]-style anonymous function that takes a
    # channel name as its only argument. It is up to the handler to close the
    # channel.
    method add-handler {route lambda} {
        variable handlers
        dict set handlers $route $lambda

    # Return the fully qualified name of the "done" variable for the current
    # object.
    method wait-var-name {} {
        return "${selfns}::done"

namespace eval ::mime {
    variable mimeDataInverted {
        text/plain {
        text/css                .css
        text/csv                .csv
        image/gif               .gif
        application/gzip {
        text/html {
        image/jpeg {
        application/javascript  .js
        application/json        .json
        application/pdf         .pdf
        image/png               .png
        application/postscript  .ps
        application/xhtml       .xhtml
        application/xml         .xml
        application/zip         .zip

    variable byFilename {}
    variable byExtension {}
    foreach {mimeType files} $mimeDataInverted {
        foreach file $files {
            if {[string index $file 0] eq "."} {
                lappend byExtension $file $mimeType
            } else {
                lappend byFilename $file $mimeType
    unset mimeDataInverted

    proc ::mime::type {filename} {
        variable byFilename
        variable byExtension
        set tail [file tail $filename]
        set ext [file extension $filename]
        if {[dict exists $byFilename $tail]} {
            return [dict get $byFilename $tail]
        } elseif {[dict exists $byExtension $ext]} {
            return [dict get $byExtension $ext]
        } else {
            return application/octet-stream

namespace eval ::template {
    proc ::template::expand {template args} {
        return [format [::textutil::undent $template] {*}$args]

proc ::dmsnit::main {argv0 argv} {
    variable reload 0

    set httpd [::dmsnit::httpd create %AUTO%]

    # Process command line arguments.
    if {$argv eq ""} {
        set usageString "usage: $argv0"
        foreach option [$httpd info options] {
            set defaultValue [$httpd cget $option]
            if {$defaultValue eq ""} {
                append usageString " $option value"
            } else {
                append usageString " ?$option $defaultValue?"
        puts $usageString
        exit 0

    # Sample custom handlers that are used for development.
    if 0 {
        $httpd add-handler /bye {
            {connectChannel} {
                upvar 1 self self
                close $connectChannel
                set [$self wait-var-name] 1
        $httpd add-handler /reload {
            {connectChannel} {
                upvar 1 self self
                puts -nonewline $connectChannel [::template::expand {
                    HTTP/1.0 202 Accepted
                    Refresh: 2000; url=/
                    Content-Type: text/html

                    <!DOCTYPE html>
                            <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=/">
                close $connectChannel
                set [$self wait-var-name] 1
                set ::dmsnit::reload 1

    $httpd configure {*}$argv
    $httpd serve
    vwait [$httpd wait-var-name]
    $httpd destroy

    if {$reload} {
        # Reload the server script and restart the server.
        uplevel #0 [list source [info script]]
        if {[info commands tailcall] eq "tailcall"} {
            tailcall ::dmsnit::main $argv0 $argv
        } else {
            ::dmsnit::main $argv0 $argv

# If this is the main script...
if {[info exists argv0] && ([file tail [info script]] eq [file tail $argv0])} {
    # If this is not a reload...
    if {![info exists ::dmsnit::reload] || !$::dmsnit::reload} {
        ::dmsnit::main $argv0 $argv


See also