[Flame] Searching the wiki I have not found any code implementing modern interface, which is sometimes called 'docking framework'. The idea is that user can configure the layout of the frames within a window, embed windows in tabs etc. like it is done in IDEs. Here is some code I've written that implements this functionality based on two Tile widgets panedwindow and notebook. User can drag tabs from one notebook to another, or place tabs aside the existing notebook. Mid-button "undocks" tab into a separate window; closing that window tries to place tab back, if the notebook still exists, or adds the tab to some other notebook. ---- [KPV] Isn't this what's knowns as a window manager inside a window manager? ---- ====== # DockingFramework # published under BSD license package require Ttk namespace eval DockingFramework { # tbs(tab_path)=panedwindow # tbs(panedwindow_path)=parent_panedwindow # tbs(path,path)=tab_path variable tbs variable tbcnt 0 # find notebook, corresponding to path proc find_tbn {path} { variable tbs if {$path==""} { return "" } set top [winfo toplevel $path] while {$path!=$top} { if {[info exists tbs($path,path)]} { return $tbs($path,path) } if {[info exists tbs($path)]} { return $path } set path [winfo parent $path] } return {} } proc replace_tbn_with_pw {tbn anchor} { variable tbs variable tbcnt set pw $tbs($tbn) if {$tbn!=""} { set index [lsearch -exact [$pw panes] $tbn] } if {$anchor=="w" || $anchor=="e"} { set orient "horizontal" } else { set orient "vertical" } set npw [ttk::panedwindow [winfo toplevel $pw].pw$tbcnt -orient $orient] incr tbcnt set tbs($tbn) $npw if {$tbn==""} { # toplevel set grid_options [grid info $pw] grid forget $pw eval grid $npw $grid_options set tbn $pw set tbs($pw) $npw set tbs($npw) {} } else { $pw insert $index $npw -weight 1 $pw forget $tbn set tbs($npw) $pw } set ntb [ttk::notebook [winfo toplevel $pw].tb$tbcnt] incr tbcnt set tbs($ntb) $npw if {$anchor=="s" || $anchor=="e"} { $npw add $tbn -weight 1 $npw add $ntb -weight 1 } else { $npw add $ntb -weight 1 $npw add $tbn -weight 1 } _raise_tree $tbn _raise_tree $ntb if {[get_class $tbn]=="TPanedwindow"} { _cleanup_pws $tbn } return $ntb } proc _raise_tree {path} { raise $path switch -exact [get_class $path] { TPanedwindow { foreach pane [$path panes] { _raise_tree $pane } } TNotebook { foreach tab [$path tabs] { raise $tab } } } } # add a new notebook to the side anchor of the notebook tbn proc add_tbn {tbn anchor} { variable tbs variable tbcnt set pw $tbs($tbn) set orient [$pw cget -orient] if {$anchor=="t"} { if {$tbn!=""} { return $tbn } else { set anchor [expr {$orient=="horizontal" ? "e" : "s"}] } } # if orientation of the uplevel panedwindow is consistent with anchor, just add the pane if { ( $orient=="horizontal" && ($anchor=="w" || $anchor=="e") ) || ( $orient=="vertical" && ($anchor=="n" || $anchor=="s") ) } { if {$tbn==""} { if {$anchor=="e" || $anchor=="s"} { set i [llength [$pw panes]] } else { set i 0 } } else { set i [lsearch -exact [$pw panes] $tbn] if {$anchor=="e" || $anchor=="s"} { incr i } } set tbn [ttk::notebook [winfo toplevel $pw].tb$tbcnt] incr tbcnt set tbs($tbn) $pw if {$i>=[llength [$pw panes]] || $i<0} { $pw add $tbn -weight 1 } else { $pw insert $i $tbn -weight 1 } _raise_tree $tbn } else { set tbn [replace_tbn_with_pw $tbn $anchor] } return $tbn } proc get_class {path} { return [lindex [bindtags $path] 1] } proc get_anchor {path x y} { variable tbs set tb [find_tbn $path] set rev {} if {$tb==""} { set tb $tbs() set rev - } set w [winfo width $tb] set h [winfo height $tb] set x [expr $x-[winfo rootx $tb]] set y [expr $y-[winfo rooty $tb]] set in_bbox [expr {(($x>=0 && $y>=0 && $x<=$w && $y<=$h) ? 1 : 0)}] if {($rev=="" && !$in_bbox) || ($rev!="" && $in_bbox)} { return {} } if {[$tb identify [expr $x-[winfo rootx $tb]] [expr $y-[winfo rooty $tb]]]!=""} { set anchor "t" } elseif {$x>=[expr $w/3] && $x<=[expr $w*2/3] && $y>=[expr $h/3] && $y<=[expr $h*2/3]} { set anchor "t" } else { # determine the closest side to the cursor set side 1 set rdist 1e6 foreach {x0 y0} {0 0 0 0 $w 0 0 $h} a {w n e s} { set dist [expr abs($x-$x0)*$side+abs($y-$y0)*(1-$side)] set side [expr 1-$side] if {$dist<$rdist} { set rdist $dist set anchor $a } } } set rev {} if {$x<0 || $y<0 || $x>$w || $y>$h} { set rev - } array set cursors { s bottom_side w left_side e right_side n top_side t based_arrow_down {} {} -s top_side -w right_side -e left_side -n bottom_side -t {} } return [list $anchor $cursors($rev$anchor)] } proc _cleanup_pws {pw} { variable tbs while {$pw!=$tbs() && [$pw panes]==""} { destroy $pw set npw $tbs($pw) unset tbs($pw) set pw $npw } } proc _cleanup_tabs {srctab} { variable tbs if {[llength [$srctab tabs]]==0} { destroy $srctab _cleanup_pws $tbs($srctab) unset tbs($srctab) } } proc move_tab {srctab dsttab} { variable tbs # move tab set f [$srctab select] set o [$srctab tab $f] $srctab forget $f eval $dsttab add $f $o raise $f $dsttab select $f _cleanup_tabs $srctab set tbs($f,path) $dsttab } variable c_path {} variable s_cursor {} proc start_motion {path} { variable c_path variable s_cursor if {$path!=$c_path} { set c_path [find_tbn $path] if {$c_path=="" || [get_class $c_path]!="TNotebook" || [llength [$c_path tabs]]==0} { set c_path {} return } set s_cursor [$c_path cget -cursor] } } proc motion {x y} { variable c_path variable s_cursor if {$c_path!=""} { set path [winfo containing $x $y] if {$path==$c_path} { $c_path configure -cursor $s_cursor } else { $c_path configure -cursor [lindex [get_anchor $path $x $y] 1] } } } proc end_motion {x y} { variable c_path variable s_cursor if {$c_path==""} { return } set path [winfo containing $x $y] set anchor [lindex [get_anchor $path $x $y] 0] $c_path configure -cursor $s_cursor set tbn [find_tbn $path] if {$tbn!=$c_path || ($path!=$c_path && $anchor!="t")} { if {$anchor=="t"} { move_tab $c_path $tbn } else { move_tab $c_path [add_tbn $tbn $anchor] } } set c_path {} } bind TNotebook +[namespace code {start_motion %W}] bind TNotebook +[namespace code {motion %X %Y}] bind TNotebook +[namespace code {end_motion %X %Y}] proc undock_tab {tab} { variable tbs set tbn $tbs($tab,path) set name [$tbn tab $tab -text] set opts [$tbn tab $tab] unset tbs($tab,path) set tbs($tab,undocked) [list $tbn $opts] $tbn forget $tab _cleanup_tabs $tbn wm manage $tab catch {wm attributes $tab -toolwindow 1} wm title $tab $name wm protocol $tab WM_DELETE_WINDOW [namespace code [list __dock $tab]] wm deiconify $tab } proc __dock {wnd} { variable tbs wm withdraw $wnd wm forget $wnd set tbn [lindex $tbs($wnd,undocked) 0] set opts [lindex $tbs($wnd,undocked) 1] unset tbs($wnd,undocked) if {![winfo exists $tbn]} { if {[$tbs() panes]==""} { set tbn [add_tbn {} t] } else { foreach tbn [array names tbs] { if {[winfo exists $tbn] && [get_class $tbn]=="TNotebook"} { break } } } } eval $tbn add $wnd $opts set tbs($wnd,path) $tbn raise $wnd } proc __undock_tab {wnd} { set tbn [find_tbn $wnd] if {$tbn=="" || [$tbn select]==""} { return } undock_tab [$tbn select] } proc __hide_tab {wnd} { set tbn [find_tbn $wnd] if {$tbn=="" || [$tbn select]==""} { return } hide_tab [$tbn select] } proc is_managed_tab {wnd} { if {[find_tbn $wnd]==""} { return 0 } else { return 1 } } proc create_framework {path} { variable tbs variable tbcnt set npw [ttk::panedwindow [winfo toplevel $path].pw$tbcnt -orient vertical] incr tbcnt set tbs($npw) {} set tbs() $npw grid $npw -in $path -sticky news grid columnconfigure $path 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $path 0 -weight 1 } proc add_tab {tab path anchor args} { variable tbs if {$anchor=="t" && $path==""} { set anchor "e" } elseif {$anchor=="t"} { set tbn $tbs($path,path) } else { set tbn [add_tbn [find_tbn $path] $anchor] } eval [list $tbn add $tab] $args set tbs($tab,path) $tbn raise $tab } proc remove_tab {path} { variable tbs set tb [find_tbn $path] if {$tb=="" || [get_class $tb]!="TNotebook"} { error "window $path is not managed by the framework" } catch {$tb forget $path} unset tbs($path,path) _cleanup_tabs $tb } proc select_tab {path} { set tb [find_tbn $path] if {$tb=="" || [get_class $tb]!="TNotebook"} { error "window $path is not managed by the framework" } $tb select $path } proc hide_tab {path} { variable tbs set tb [find_tbn $path] if {$tb=="" || [get_class $tb]!="TNotebook"} { error "window $path is not managed by the framework" } $tb hide $path } proc show_tab {path} { set tb [find_tbn $path] if {$tb=="" || [get_class $tb]!="TNotebook"} { error -code "window $path is not managed by the framework" } $tb add $path } proc get_managed_windows {} { variable tbs set res {} foreach t [array names tbs *,path] { lappend res [string range $t 0 end-5] } return $res } proc serialize_widget {path} { variable tbs set class [get_class $path] upvar script script upvar sashscript sashscript if {[info exists tbs($path)]} { switch $class { TNotebook { append script "ttk::notebook $path\n" foreach tab [$path tabs] { serialize_widget $tab append script "$path add $tab [$path tab $tab]\n" append script "raise $tab\n" append script "$path select $tab\n" } append script "$path select [list [$path select]]\n" } TPanedwindow { append script "ttk::panedwindow $path -orient [$path cget -orient]\n" if {$path==$tbs()} { append script "eval grid \$tbs() \$tbs(grid_options)\n" } set i 0 append sashscript "tkwait visibility $path\n" foreach pane [$path panes] { serialize_widget $pane append script "$path add $pane [$path pane $pane]\n" if {$i>0} { append sashscript "$path sashpos [expr $i-1] [$path sashpos [expr $i-1]]\n" } incr i } } default { error "serialization is not supported for the class $class" } } } else { catch {::serialize $path} } } proc serialize {} { variable tbs variable tbcnt set top [winfo toplevel $tbs()] set script "namespace eval ::DockingFramework \{\n" append script "if {\[\$tbs() panes]!=\"\"} { error \"Trying to overwrite existing layout\" }\n" append script "set tbs(grid_options) \[grid info \$tbs()\]\n" append script "destroy \$tbs()\n" append script "unset tbs(\$tbs())\n" append script "array set tbs [list [array get tbs]]\n" append script "set tbcnt $tbcnt\n" append script "wm geometry $top [wm geometry $top]\n" set sashscript "" serialize_widget $tbs() append script $sashscript foreach w [array names tbs *,undocked] { set w [string range $w 0 end-[string length ",undocked"]] append cmd "wm manage $w\n" append cmd "catch {wm attributes $w -toolwindow 1}\n" append cmd "wm title $w [list [wm title $w]]\n" append cmd "wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW \[namespace code \[list __dock $w\]\]\n" append cmd "wm deiconify $w\n" append cmd "wm geometry $w [wm geometry w]\n" } append script "\}\n" return $script } } if {1} { toplevel .t1 pack [frame .t1.df] -fill both -expand true pack [frame .t1.bc] -fill x DockingFramework::create_framework .t1.df for {set i 0} {$i<8} {incr i} { set ntab [label .t1.lb$i -text "notebook $i" -borderwidth 10] DockingFramework::add_tab $ntab {} e -text "tab $i" } pack [button .t1.bc.sl -text " Save layout " -command save_l] -side left -padx 4 pack [button .t1.bc.ll -text " Load layout " -command load_l] -side left -padx 4 pack [button .t1.bc.qq -text " Quit " -command exit] -side right -padx 8 -pady 4 proc save_l {} { variable layout set layout [DockingFramework::serialize] puts "layout: \n$layout" } proc load_l {} { variable layout if {![info exists layout]} { error "Save layout before loading" } foreach w [array names DockingFramework::tbs] { catch {destroy $w} } array set DockingFramework::tbs {} DockingFramework::create_framework .t1.df eval $layout } wm withdraw . } ====== ---- [UKo] 2008-11-09: Added a `package require Tk` to use this code with ''tclkit'' and deleted all trailing whitespaces. Thanks for this nice example! ---- [Flame] 2009-03-08: Updated the code with some bugfixes, now it can save and load the layout. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Uncategorized] |% !!!!!!